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I can't die!


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I've just found out that my character cannot die. Whenever my health drops to zero the death music and death animation starts however my character drops down to one knee and stays there whilst everything is still going on around me. This forces me to reload my saved game.


At first I thought I may of had God or Immortal mode switched on in the console however this isn't the case.


I'm guessing it maybe one of my mods but I have so many installed that finding out which one could be the cause isn't really an option.


Anyone else have similar issues?


(I've attached a screenshot of what it looks like)



Edited by slamminuk
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It must be a mod.

If you don't want to figure out which one, the only option would be to start over with a new install, no mods, the slowly add mods one at a time, until the problem reappears. Which is really the same as mod troubleshooting....

If you aren't running BOSS you might try to use that, on the change that its a load order conflict.

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Looks like something set you as essential. To see if you are open the console, click on your character so your Ref ID appears (00000014 I believe) then type isessential. if it comes back as a 1 then you are. You can change this in the console by typing setessential 00000007 0 and this should change you to nonessential.

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