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Missing Quest Items


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I have a problem where some items are missing for certain quests ......


Steal the argonian ale ......... the quest is active, the white marker is sat where the ale should be but no ale is there,


Steal the skoomer double distilled............. again the quest is active, the white marker is in the correct place but no bottle of skoomer,


Retrieve the jewelled flagon from the house of clan cruel sea in windhelm, i have the quest in my menu but no markers will show and when I go to the house of clan cruel sea there is nothing in there, no jewelled flagon.


Anyone have any ideas ? restarting is not an option, i have over 200 hrs invested (this time round) and at level 65.


Cheers :)

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2 years later a possible (partial) solution! I had a missing ale bottles problem. Don't know why it happened but I seemed to have fixed it by installing Unique Booze Bottles HD (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19922). The regular ale in Dragonsreach, found sitting on the long table to the left as you leave Farengar's area and the Argonian Ale for Brenuin's quest both reappeared with their great new textures. The mod also includes textures for skooma bottles but I don't know if the jewelled flagon for thieves guild quest will be affected.

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4 years later...

I recently got back into skyrim and reinstalled most of my mods, after which I encountered the same problem; all ale bottles (including argonian ale) would appear invisible/are missing. I found that in my case the problem was caused by a patch for unique booze bottles hd that was included in CACO's (complete alchemy and crafting overhaul) patches. Disabling the patch solved my problem, of course installing the mod, like previously suggested, works too.

The missing jewelled flagon / pitcher related to the thieves guild quest is a completely different issue I think. I believe it's a common bug that is easily fixed using the console (if you google it, there should be many forum posts about it).

Perhaps this will still help someone that's getting back into skyrim like me..

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