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Dead NPCs still owning things


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I don't know if theres a mod out that does this or if it's even possible. First a little story:


So I'm playing my game with FWE installed, and i'm noticing it's a lot harder, even with vanilla settings. Here I am struggling to stay alive and looking for a place to live when I remember I can't stay in Megaton yet because I can't disarm the nuke. I also remember that I always start off a game by killing that chick Silver in Springvale and stealing her stuff. So I do that and I say to my self, 'I can stay here!'. Then I remember oh wait I can't because the damn game still thinks the dead chick owns her bed.


In short, is there any mod that unflags stuff as being owned by an NPC after they die? Kind of stupid that you can't own that stuff and sleep in their bed's if you killed them. How the hell do Raiders get to sleep in some random dead NPCs bed but not me?

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