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massive stutter - no obvious cause.


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i also got tes4edit, and am going to start backup up .esps so i can clean some and see if that helps. ive also altered some settings in WB, especially as it pertains to lighting and such. hopefully this gets me more performance.


one other reason why i dont think its totally a mod issue: my game is VERY stable. i can play all day with only 1 or 2 crashes. for 120 mods, thats pretty good xD

once i kill the npcs that im fighting, the framerate instantly shoots up. its either the light falling on them while theyre alive, or just them being alive. and no changes to any light function makes a damn vit of difference. i mean that: not a single fps improvement from any of the changes i have made.



I was going to say that it might be hirez textures that cause it but I'm not sure. Do you still get better framerate in cities during daytime?

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out in the wilderness, with grass and shadows turned up to max is the BEST fps i get. in cities, at night with torches, or when i get attacked by a large group, that is what kills me. weirdly, dead npcs do not impact fps. only the living ones do. and usually, its those with a light spell or a torch. daytime in cities is 10-20 fps better than at night, so i dont think its textures >_<

Edited by Elizinator
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I didn't think it was the textures after your reply,that's why I didn't comment.


I'm officially out of ideas. Try to remember if you installed something at the time this stutter started.

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nothing i could think of. i tried removing some things, but they didnt help. everything else is just armor/clothing/weapon mods, which oughtnt do this. im thinking of trying some tes4edit cleaning, but im worried about that :C

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What's your processor speed? Oblivion can't make full use of multi-core processors, so as a result it'll treat your multi-core as a single-core processor, which thanks to the preference of more cores and less speed performs like a processor that came out in 2002.


Speedtree also tends to be a major issue with the game - with all that animation going on, it can really eat up resources. Reduce the tree visibility and see if it performs any better.

Edited by ziitch
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changing core affinity didnt help. ill try the tree thing, but as i said, out in the wilderness is not the problem, its inside, in a dungeon, one or two guys with torches. daytime in the market district is literally 10fps faster than night.

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