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Star light Star bright what stars are mapping to where I want to see one special night?


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If we were to stand at one spot on Earth when the star Sirius was directly overhead and at that moment noted all the stars around planet Earth in a spiral to it that would end at it like a cone shape; where on Earth would you want to be at that moment?

And at that moment what star would be the first one you could see to begin making a space travel map from each star in the spiral we could see that would make as perfect a cone shape as we could then connect them too by drawing a spiraling line until it reached Sirius?

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  • 3 months later...

You couldn't have timed your post better. Sirius is going to be viewable tonight. All I have to do is drive 5 hours south east to be able to see it with my Star Gazer. Now to check the weather forecast to find out where it will be a clear sky tonight.



I found an App called Sky Map so I can find it. That will make it easy to be spotted for some night photos.

These are the coordinates to Sirius. RA 6h 45m 9s | Dec -16 degrees 42' 58"

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