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CTD with Textures on High


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As stated in the title, if I set my texture quality to high I'll get a crash to desktop after walking a few steps or trying to fast travel. All other settings are set to ultra and with textures on medium everything runs just fine.


Now, I'm running an overclocked Radeon 7950 with 3GB so I figured I should be able to use high texture quality. I threw all HD mods out except the official ones (I own all DLCs) - to no avail.


So my question is basically: what can I do?

Do I need to upgrade my system (AMD X4, 4GB RAM)? Is my video card really not powerful enough for this? Am I just a noob?


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Especially as I've just learned about STEP...

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What happens when you set them to Ultra? Or is it high and above? Your card is more than good enough for those textures, do you have any texture packs installed?

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When I go to Options in the launcher and then advanced, I can set everything to maximum and have no problems - except for texture quality! If I set that to High, I crash very fast. If I set it to Medium, it runs smoothly.


The only texture packs I have installed at the moment are the three official ones (HighResTexturePack01 to 03). They are the very first things in my loading order.

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I went and asked google ;) and thus now have a papyrus log file (see attachment - had to rename it to .txt. for some reason).


I couldn't extract any useful information from it so far, but I hope you guys make more of it. I really would like to experience Skyrim in all its glory...

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Just took a look at your Papyrus log, and the last line, "[DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (040177DB)>]OnPackageStart()" is one serious annoyance. I speak from personal experience. I don't think the issue has anything to do with your specs. I couldn't progress through Dragonborn for a month because of DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript, although my issue was different than yours and limited to a certain area on Solstheim. I started a thread up back when I first had the issue, and other people came forward who had experienced it. We all seemed to be getting the crashes at different instances, but all our logs ended with the DLC2PillarBuilder script as the final line in Papyrus. No one seems to know how to fix it, apparently. : /


Oddly enough, my issue with the script mysteriously resolved itself a while back. I had literally tried everything, and I was re-arranging my load order one day, and I'm not sure if that was what fixed it (I hadn't played Skyrim in a few days at this point), but I haven't had a problem with that dreaded script since.


Of course, that doesn't really help with your situation, as you're experiencing an entirely different problem. I was fortunate in that it only caused me to CTD in a small area on Solstheim, whereas the rest of the game ran very well. I find it strange that it seems to only affect you when you have textures set to high. I don't see why that would be a factor. o.O


I wish you the very best of luck in tackling this issue. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of advice to give. Keep an eye out for consistent crashes centered around specific areas, since that's a typical issue brought about by this script.


Actually, there are a few other things you could try. I haven't slept at all, so I apologize if this is all kind of rambling and disjointed, but I just took another glance at your log. You might want to try disabling lanterns of skyrim or checking to make sure you have it installed correctly. Furthermore, I see you have Sounds of Skyrim in your log. Did you already de-activate it, delete it, or disable it? Your log keeps trying to reference it and fails each time. I'd recommend getting rid of it entirely if you haven't already. I used it for a while, until I discovered it's apparently very unstable and leads to a number of issues. Which was unfortunate, because I enjoyed all the added sounds. Unfortunately, with the way Skyrim works, even if you get rid of mods those scripts kind of linger on in your save file and bring about complications. Once again, though, that shouldn't be related to your texture issue...sooo...


I'm confused, because the fact that the last line in your log is my old nemesis (the DLC2PillarBuilder script) leads me to believe your crashes shouldn't be related to textures, and yet, according to you, they are. I dunno. It could possibly be bursts of vram, and your system isn't able to keep up for some reason? That shouldn't be the case, though, because your specs are better than mine and I run mostly 2k textures with a solid frame rate, even with ENBs enabled. Argh...I dunno. Skyrim can be a tricky mistress. I somehow butchered my last save and had to play with texture quality set to high instead of ultra, and still experienced constant dips and stutters. After doing a complete re-installation my performance is loads better on ultra settings than it was on high settings on my previous install, and I'm still not sure what I did to my last save that ended up being my undoing. Bad scripts left over, possibly...and Skyrim starts to mess up more the more you play. I mean, I'm currently running 150 mods, but I've been more cautious this time around and I haven't experienced any truly significant problems as of yet because of it. I guess we'll see how long that lasts. @_@


Anyway, I digress. Moral of the story - DLC2PillarBuilder script is a pain to deal with, and while that's what seems to be causing you to crash, I have no idea why it wouldn't cause you to crash on lower texture settings. Hopefully someone will come along that's more knowledgeable than I in this matter.

Edited by Vulon
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