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Deep wound - penetration with swords


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It is possible to penetration / cut with swords in the body of a NPC without killmoves? I mean that when you hit a NPC with a sword, the blade enter in the body like in a real fight.


Sorry my English. i´m not a native english speaker ...

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Now, that would be a fantastic mod. It's always bothered me that the final strike is actually a hilt to the face unless a killmove is playing. Looks ridiculous.


As I understand it, the weapons don't actually occupy "physical" space, so it may not be possible, but if it is, I'd wager it would be one of the most popular mods around.

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The game renders weapons separately from the gameworld when viewed though the 1st person camera. (that's why vanilla weapons use a "high" poly model for 1st person views, and a low poly model for 3rd person)

So the same thing that helps prevent your sword from sticking into walls is stopping us from deliberately clipping the weapon model into an npc.


You might want to search for a mod called "Real first person camera" or similar. That mod forces the 1st person view through a "3rd person" camera, placed right behind the PC's eyes. This >might< make it look like the weapons pierce the NPC's as well.

Only thing is that i can't seem to find it on the nexus anymore.. So it'll require a bit of detailed searching...

Edited by Urwy
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