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SKSE "Please update to the latest version of Skyrim" Launcher


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Lo Folks! Problems with SKSE. i've the latest version of Skyrim and SKSE. At first, SKSE worked as advertised, then out of the blue, when I use the


skse loader, Steam interrupts. I tried deactivating the SKSE Scripts Data folder, then reinstalling it, it worked ONCE. Now I'm getting a Steam error message.....Application Load


Error P:0000065432? What, what? Anyone know?

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Error P:0000065432? What, what? Anyone know?

Not related to SKSE afaik.


Go to steam and verify your game files, it will find 1 corrupted file. This is happening to me as well after the latest Steam update a few days back. I tried another workaround (restarting steam) which worked once and the second time it replaced my SkyrimPrefs.ini file to a default one for no reason (that only happened once in about 20 errors). So have backups just in case.

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Some pirate versions have problems with things like SKSE - the fix for these is simple - don't be so cheap, buy the game - that takes a lot of the frustration out of mods. We don't play with stolen software, and have no idea what these pirate versions have done to bypass the steam requirement - and will ban anyone giving any advice, or asking for any advice on how to fix a pirate version. (it's in the rules you agreed to)


For those with a ligit game, Windows UAC can sometimes cause problems - http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4912979/1/

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hey bben46

yes well... skyrim is legit... lot of people are reporting this problem since last update of steam... something went messy :\ not sure what tho, but just out of nowhere it would post this error when launching Skyrim using SKSE through NMM, right after SKSE splash screen;


Example image (not mine)



The next time you wanna start it after you've killed Steam (otherwise it just keeps popping that error), it will start Skyrim skipping SKSE and start to detect defaults, replacing your SkyrimPrefs.ini file. After which it might, or might not succesfully load.


Running a verify integrity in Steam finds 1 corrupted file which is replaced (unsure which one), but it doesnt touch SkyrimPrefs.ini in that case. Game will start normally again after it.


Windows UAC is switched off completely, so it's not related... and this behaviour started directly after updating steam, I think 2-3 days ago... have this a couple of times a day. Rather annoying... Hope it gets fixed :\

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My guess is that error means you have to have steam already running - in the background before you start the game. My Skyrim seems to automatically load steam when I start Skyrim, but I get a similar error when I try to start Fallout New Vegas if Skyrim is not already loaded before trying to start it.

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Well, I have only Skyrim with all the DLCs, no other games through Steam, so im pretty puzzled as to why this happens all a sudden... I read somewhere that SKSE needs a moment after exiting Skyrim to reset/unload itself... perhaps for some reason I try and restart Skyrim too soon after quitting ( I fiddle a lot with Skyrim so I exit - restart quite a bit ) and perhaps SKSE makes a mess of a certain file when trying to load it too soon after quitting.


Though, the first time I got this error was after a startup of the system... Im not sure if Steam finished it's background Sync before I closed Windows. It could be that I manually killed Steam during it's sync process and it's causing this, not sure...


Perhaps Ill try and reinstall Steam, maybe that helps. Tho it still doesnt explain why multiple people are reporting this all a sudden.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I got almost the same problem, I've installed the latest SKSE_1_06_16 then when I try running it it pops up a Skse_loader.exe with an error message, sayin:
"Please update to the latest version of Skyrim. You have customized the runtime name via SKSE's .ini file. Version errors can usually be fixed by removing the Runtime line from the . ini file."

I can't figure out of this mess. I can run skyrim normaly trough steam but not with use of SKSE, then the game just crases. And I have auto update on steam so I'm allways running latest update, (curretnt version

Please help :/

Edited by lordandre87
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