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Elsweyr in Skyrim


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I've seen plenty of mods that would be perfect for this sort of mod, but no one has made it yet. Can we please see an Elsweyr mod? There are plenty of resources,


1. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33017/

2. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9782/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D9782


So could someone please make an Elsweyr mod.

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Um... you have to be more specific. Moonpath specifically TAKES you to Elsewyr, and Tropical makes all of Skyrim practically look as if it were Elsweyr, so what do you want? Do you want a mod that replaces Skyrim with Elseweyr?

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Seems plausible, but it's a really, really heavy workload. We'd be lucky if any number of people chose to jump into such a project. For now we should be happy that we even have those mods.

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i have Ben Thinking of this Actually. Ive been Kinda Practicing with land Editing with my mod and Keep thinking of Making Elsweyr.

Only Problem is Bethesda hasn't Made Any Art or Said Much on Landscape to make it Accurate enough and would hate Messing it up, but do agree we Can Get all the Resources to make this a Possibility.

I Would not be able to make it alone tho it take way to long and by then we would probably have outdated Concepts of it and i have More idea on Cyrodiil and would love seeing that too.

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Yeah the only Thing i Know is that is that half of the landscape is Jungle with jungle like hills then there's the Sandy Landscape more in the upper center.

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I'd love a open world Elsweyr, using possibly modder's resources from the great Moonpath to Elsweyr mod. The enviorment wouldn't be too hard to create, however, making it would require lots of time and effort. If more than five modders all worked on it might get done in less than three months (I mean the landscape)

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