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Black spots on grass


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Just recently I've begun to have black spots apear in the grass and on rocks. I don't have any mods that replace textures and i didn't adjust any settings. I did adjust my mod load order a bit and when I did i got an error saying the subscribed files couldn't be updated or something. I'm not subscribed to any mods so I found that a bit odd.


Here's a screenshot:




Cause of the rocks it looks like a missing texture but like i said, i did nothing to the textures. Any ideas on what the problem is and how to fix it?

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I would do the following:

1. Check your settings. Steam will revert your graphics to what it thinks you should have if you click on the options tab, download a patch, or reasons I have yet to fathom.

2. Validate your cache files on steam (this will probably also reset your settings, you afterwards you may need to check them again)

3. Check your graphic cards running temp, make sure you are not seeing driver failure from overheating.

4. If you are using any mods that affect lighting, disable them. If the problem goes away, then you may need to make adjustments on your lighting mod.

4. Turn your graphics settings to the lowest possible setting. If the problem goes away, then you probably need to lower your settings.

5. Update your drivers and blow the dust out of your computer.

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