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Not sure if this would be entirley legal as a mod but...


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I kind of feel bad for the peeps in Japan who get to miss out on the power of the atom quest. I heard Mr.Burke was removed from the game so the quest couldnt be made possible. I wondered if it would be legal if someone made a mod for the Japanese so they could put Mr.Burke back where he belongs and give players that quest. this is hypothetical keep in mind I do NOT plan on making such a mod I am not a citizen of japan I have never even been on Japanese soil. im just curious if it would be legal (in japan obviously) and possible to insert the weapon "The Fat Man" and put Mr.Burke and the power of the atom quest back into the game.


for those who dont know. the weapon "The Fat Man" has been banned from the game in Japan. because one of the bombs that hit them was called the fat man. so its apparently a sensitive subject to the japanese. I don't see why. hell they provoked America with pearl harbor no? all choices have consequences whether they be good or bad. and Japan made a very very bad choice by bombing the harbor. so I dont know if they are trying to forget all about it or? what. I dont know. its stupid. just like when Indiana Jones and the crystal skull was banned in Russia because the bad guys were soviets. RUSSIA ISNT EVEN SOVIET UNION ANYMORE! hahahahahaha so what have they to cry about? and they ended up changeing there style of government anyway so it clearly must have not worked or had been a bad system. anyway enough about censorship and get back on topic basiclly ill sum it up in simple forms. now remember exactly what I said




would it be possible and legal (by japanese laws) to return Mr.Burke back to his rightful place in the Japanese ver of FO3 as well as "The Fat Man" weapon and the quest Power of the atom?

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sounds more like someone told someone in politics about the game and they decided to rip those bits out..


I lived there for 10 years and 99% of Japanese gamers could give a rats arse if there is a nuke in the game..


or what kind of name it had...honestly...noone that I know would lose any sleep over it...

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sounds more like someone told someone in politics about the game and they decided to rip those bits out..


I lived there for 10 years and 99% of Japanese gamers could give a rats arse if there is a nuke in the game..


or what kind of name it had...honestly...noone that I know would lose any sleep over it...

It's one of those annoying situations where US Companies presume that something would be an issue (consider all the Animes that contain nuclear weaponry, like the Gundam Seed Series in which nuclear weapons wipe out whole colonies). The funny thing is by making such a big deal about removing the content it makes the issue even worse than if it was left in.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It wouldn't be illegal to make or use a mod that does what you propose - the reason it's not in the Japanese version is most likely due to political interests, where some American interest organization with a stick up their ass somehow pressured Bethesda not to include it in the Japanese version out of fear it might cause political controversy.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I'd guess that almost all of the quest/etc is still in the game - they probably just removed some of the items and quest triggers to stop it from coming up in game. Sort of as if you had simply ignored Mr. Burke and never started the quest.
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