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favorite retro game... oooooh...this could be a long list... *ahem* 1)Wario Land 1 (all of them in the series really) 2) Metal Gear NES (and pretty much all of the metal Gear series) 3) Final Fantasy sev- NAH!!!! just kidding!! XD Im no fanboy! im nostalgic! Final Fantasy 1 and 2 4) Dragon Warrior III 5) Castelvania 1 6) Mortal Kombat (entirety of series) 7) Contra 8) Super Mario Bros (entirety of series) 9) River City Ransom 10) Earth Bound...hippies are enemies....whats not to love? 11) Donkey Kong 12) Wario's Woods 13) Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu (I really love that theme song...) 14) Sonic the Hedgehog 1 ( ONE!!!! NUMBER 1!!!! UNO!!!! hate tails...) 15) Megaman 16) Bomber Man 17) Duck Hunt 18) Rampage Arcade 19) Rampage (nes) 20) Batman for the NES
Fixed. :wink: oooh thats right I forgot thank ya
well shoot... this is a tough one.... I have multiple favorites. ill just list them all 1) Metal Gear NES Jungle Theme 2) Contra NES Main Theme 3) almost anything from the old castlevania series. 4) Theme for Master Chu and The Drunkard Hu (NES) 5) River City Ransom Theme 6) Zelda NES Theme 7) Any Wario Land music 8) Duke Nukem theme song 9) Crash Bandicoot Theme 1 10) Donkey Kong NES 11) Batman NES
curious as to who would win.... Duke Nukem VS Serious Sam VS Solid Snake VS Big Boss VS Sam Fisher
well me being a real heavy duty gamer I couldnt really say I have a favorite...okay fine its Wario I liked wario because hes over looked waaaaaay too much. everyones all about "ooooh mario!" "look at mario" "OMG Mario!!!" Mario doesent do anything! a five year old could figure out his character! "hes a strange italian man who jumps and saves a princess from an evil turtle monster thing (or like in japanese mythology Kappas)" He's just so...the same. its almost the same thing with link from zelda but he does spend his time doing other things. now other people would be like oh well "wario just wants money". okay thats a goal. but wario also has a personality. which is something I think mario lacks. to me he just seems like hes happy all the time. now not haveing any personality isnt that bad...i mean its better than sonics current personality...which is...really...really really really annoying. Wario in my oppinion at least has a personality of some sort. hes very reckless in a funny sort of way hes greedy hungry (if these games were rated M he'd probably be horny all the time too) and hes also very brutal he has a certain way he fights hi enemies. I rememebr playing all the wario games and he always likes to SLAM them. what does mario do? he jumps on them...its not like no one else can jump on a turtle...*sarcasm* So I see more of a character in Wario than I do Mario. now thats not to say that I think Wario would make a better Nintendo Mascot than mario I mean...Wario's too gross to be the mascot XD. not to mention his games have always made me laugh in someway. So I happen to really like Wario. I even main Wario in brawl and I actually do very well. If you guys really want to know how well ill just put it like this. I had no trouble takeing out 2 very good players who have mained Captain Falcon since melee and Im able to take out an Ike main easily on a good day. so for those who have super smashbros brawl you know this is pretty big deal. but enough of the bragging im getting off topic... so I would have to say my favorite from Nintendo is Wario Konami would be Big Boss or Naked Snake. Capcom Megaman! NAH!!! just kidding =P. Albert Wesker Resident Evil Rock Star: Tommy Vercetti Grand theft Auto Vice City Bethesda: Faelin the druggy from Oblivion / James Fallout 3 Sqaure Enix: Final Fantasy 1's Black Mage Midway Games: Shao Kahn Mortal Kombat and thats about it but my all time favorite would be Wario just simply because I love his games.
His name is Jason. He is a soilder a perfect soilder. master in stealth, all types of guns, some skill in explosives, a great lock smith, and to put the cherry on top deadly with his combat knife. always looking for a challange Jason fought through many different strong holds and warzones including the capitol building and the statesman hotel. A member of Reilly's Rangers and an all around hero to the good people. his weapons of choice are: Ol'Painless (hunting Rifle), Lincoln Repeater (hunting Rifle), Eugene (minigun), Stabhappy (his trusty combat knife), Xuan Long Rifle (chinese assault rifle), Colonels Pistol (10mm Pistol), Sydneys Ultra SMG (Sub machine Gun), dart gun, The Terrible Shotgun (Combat Shotgun), Silenced 10mm, Frag Grenades, Frag Mines, Bottlecap mines, Sniper Rifle, Missle Launcher, and to top it all off The Fat Man. phew! altough he has excellent profiency in all of these firearms he unfortunatley has a big dislike for Energy weapons quotes from him about energy weapons "what am I a f***ing spaceman?" and what I felt about energy weapons "If I wanna use lazer weapons ill just go buy "Buzz Lightyears BIG Adventure" for the PC". His Armor of choice is Rangers Combat armor altough he is trained in power armor. well now for some screens... http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/8089/fallout3200901281610360ep8.png By blood_rose666 at 2009-01-29 http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/3103/fallout3200901241609456dh1.png By blood_rose666 at 2009-01-29 http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/3350/fallout3200901281552011nr3.png By blood_rose666 at 2009-01-29 http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/9738/fallout3200901241615440bg6.png By blood_rose666 at 2009-01-29 http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/5681/jasonthesoilderzu6.jpg By blood_rose666 at 2009-01-29 Unfortunatley only one of these shows him useing a big guns.
offically the WORST game every spawned offically is Dr.Jekyell and Mr.Hyde for the NES. and I had a debate thread on this. a majority of us agreed Runescape was the worst MMORPG and game. so the question is... whats more fun? Jekyell and Hyde or Runescape?
psssssh not the hair but I would like the following: Sayian Armor Scouter in variety of colors Scouter that possibly could replace pip boy and maybe give an IC reason for VATs Frieza's chair and yeah thats pretty much it I dont really like DBZ I just like the Sayain Saga you know before everyone started shouting like they were constipated and had glowy hair.
AGH! I got reported! what did I do!? I didnt do nothing I just started a forum topic! does this mean im going to get banned whats going on!? and staying off topic even though I am now very concerned having been reported for some reason. Scouter would be cool...another idea would be to have it replace the pip boy in a way so the inventory screen is the scouter. I dont know just an idea. I think scouter woul dbe cool always liked those things.
yes...I want a scouter. as eye wear. whose up for the job?
@Digital hmmm that is a very good point actually nice catch there. @Deliverence and its not just dialouge I would like to change. I would a certain system for ghouls. like Radiation. according to what I have read they are immune and as a matter of fact heal from radiation as well. I dont want to take out the fact they can recieve radiation however I do not want them to get radiation sickness but to gain regeneration depending on their radiation level and in addition to that. They dont "Die" at 1000 Radiation level but the game ends because you become a feral ghoul. -5 to speech skills along with it. and you know just more options to pick from. the ghoul mod I downloaded only had 2 hair styles. 2 HAIR STYLES!? thats it!? I mena sure they're ghouls but they cant ALL LOOK THE SAME. not to mention maybe some have more hair than others. more eye choices even some perks for ghouls I would also need someone to help with the quests. we would have to redo quests severely. Espescially TEN PENNY TOWER and POWER OF THE ATOM. since both quests would cause problems for ghoul characters. (if you dont know what the problem is ill just live it as simple as "TENPENNY WONT ALLOW ZOMBIES TO LIVE IN TENPENNY TOWER") also I said I dont know a damn thing about scripting. hell im not sure how to do any of this stuff I could probably make textures and would be good for directing and help makeing specific ruleings that are fair for the race but thats about it. I would like to know more but I really would like a whole team backing me up with this.
COllaborate? you mean work together? sure I wouldnt mind I cant script though. best thing I could probably do is advisory for RPG's since I do have an advanced Knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons which is basiclly as realistic as it gets. so I would pick up mistakes like on the robots in FO3 really shouldnt take critical hits since they are conisdered constructs. and I have a very good skill with Photoshop so I could help design textures but I have never made a texture before.
Im looking for a bunch of people who want to work with together with me on a big project involving the ghoul race. Ive noticed on the nexus there has been more than a couple of mods which feature "Ghoul" as a race. I downloaded one and begun to play. now. I hate it. I keep getting reffered to as a smoothskin, the feral ghouls and supermutants still attack me, im easily let into tenpenny tower. a place that HATES ghouls, Nova says she wouldnt mind spending sweet time with me even though she also mentions her standards against having sex with ghouls, and of course the vault dwellers act like your no different from them (seriously a ghoul child would be made fun of so much in school its not even funny), people still think im not a ghoul, im not immune to radiation and I should also heal from it. It's a disater. I need to do something for people who do want to play as ghouls. so im looking for a bunch of people who want to get together and help make this thing work. right now our main needs are: 3d Moddler (in paticular someone who can make some sort of hair for ghouls to give them more variation) Texture Maker (I suppose I could make textures of course its better to have more) Scripter (VERY IMPORTANT someone who can help write some scripts in for ghouls to give them their special capabilites as well as maybe even add new perks to the game for ghoul characters or for people who hunt ghouls etc) and anyother kind of help would be much obliged espescially someone who is good with Fallout 3 Lore. I unfortantley dont have much skills. I do have rather good photoshop skills however and could most likely make textures not to mention being a good director I also have a TON of time on my hands. so whose willing to join in Project: Ghoul? if your interested post here and send me a Private Message l'll let this run for about a week or two or if I get a good amount of people in a short amount of time. and hell maybe if this goes well we can maybe start a project: Super Mutant (or Meta Human whichever you perfer. I perfer Meta Human makes them sound less corny) and hey maybe if this goes w
TES V and Duke Nukem forever!!! XD those are on my wishlist for 09
yeah thats probably it give them a bit to load...but now that I think about it Slayer would be perfect for any Ipip list because Slayer not only is possibly the best metal band out there but also for maintince. Slayer likes to keep its songs short they said they dont like repeating riffs so they make the songs as short as possible which is contrast to Metallica whom ive seen have at least 3 eight minute long songs in one albulm. so I would recommend slayer for any list for that other reason.