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I have recently transfered all of my files on to a brand new pc 100 times better then old one. well after all that i reinstall Skyrim and all my same old mods. Well here is the weird thing, every player i use and every npc in the world has arms stuck out to the side like they are getting ready to flap them like wings but they never move. Due to this no npc will fight and its all glitchy when i swing a weapon. Any ideas?



And yes i relize i typoed the title lol

Edited by auric211
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The reason NPCs look like that is because that's how they're character model looks like in 3D programs. Why it is actually doing that though I have no idea. As painful as it is, this is why I always reinstall a game and then redownload the mods (unless they're just .esm/esp files).

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That is the effect when Fnis needs to be re run when an animation mod is added or dropped. If you are not running animation mods or using Fnis, then it sounds like a missing file in the main games animation files. Edited by Shubal
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