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ENB troubleshooting


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Hello, I am new to the skyrim modding community and for the last few days I have been trying to get an ENB working (specifically the rudy enb for obsidian weathers preset). I installed it correctly from my knowledge but there seems to be minimal difference. I can provide screenshots if needed. Can anyone help me? Thank you in advance!

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What do you mean by "minimal difference"? Your game doesn't look exactly like in the screenshots on the ENB's mod page?


If so, that's probably normal. There are a lot of variables involved: Lighting mods, weather mods (i.e. maybe different versions), game settings e.g. for brightness and gamma, monitor and graphics settings, light situation in the room that you play in... Also I'm not sure if RUDY changes all the pictures on his ENB's page every time he posts an updated version. So slight differences are to be expected.

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In addition to what Algabar said, go into your game and try toggling the ENB on and off by pressing Shift+F12 and see if it makes any difference; you should see a marked difference in the colors and the lighting. If nothing happens, that is, you see absolutely no change in the way your game looks, you likely installed one of your enb files incorrectly and you should go back and double-check your install.

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