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A mod that allows you to use Base armor at End Game


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What about a mod that allows you to continue wearing the armor of your choice but you could continue to temper it as you gain smithing experience and perks so that you could still use it in end-game? For example, if you wanted to be able to wear Dark Brotherhood armor at level 80, or if you wanted to be the Hard-Core Nord from the commercial and wear Iron armor for you whole playthrough, why not be able to eventually temper those to the Armor Classes of Dragon and Daedric as you slowly close in on 100 smithing and a full perk tree?


I ask this because I love playing a scout/ranger/archer type who gets involved with bad elements-- ie the thieve's Guild and the Brotherhood. I HATE HATE HATE the look of Elven, Glass, and Dragon armor though... Elven and Glass look gay as Hell and Dragon is just ugly IMO. What do you guys think? I know it's not 100% immersive or Lore-Friendly but I think a lot of folks would like to play with base armors longer in the game. Let's face it... how many of us use Iron Armor past BFB, if at all? Wouldn't it be cool to wear the REAL Dragonborn Armor to Sovengarde and defeat Alduin?

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This was the aim behind my mod Leveled Newbie Gear, however I only managed to get steel weapons and armor (no arrows) completed before the workload got to me. I may finish it (Iron and Leather + arrows, other gear sets would certainly be "extra") someday in the future if I can find the time.


Of course, I would gladly welcome contributions if anyone was interested in putting in some man-hours to clone the weapon and armor stats, as well as crafting and tempering recipes... ;)


At the same time, as long as you aren't playing on Master difficulty + mods that make combat more difficult, even tempered Steel gear CAN get you all the way through the game as long as you keep your smithing skill relatively high.

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I was actually helping someone with a mod like this over the weekend. nekollx wanted to make a mod that lets you upgrade armor by combining it with higher tier materials. He wanted to include texture changes for the upgraded armor, but it would be easy to make a version without those changes if he wants to. You could ask him about it, but as far as I know, he's still having a problem with the CK that's keeping him from saving any changes.

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If you don't mind using the console and losing a bit of immersion/challenge, you can set your smithing level over 100 to temper items. Just type "player.setav smithing 200" or something like that and test out how much it raises your newbie gear by.


If you feel like that takes the challenge out of it, you could for example, smith some dragonscale armor, and then remember the armor rating, and then temper your studded armor to that level by raising your smithing via console, trash the dragon armor, and bring your smithing back to where it was prior. That way you could at least say "I had the smithing abilities/resources to craft dragonscale armor, but opted for an aesthetic change by simply having studded armor with the same armor rating as dragonscale armor"


Sure its not as immersive but that's how I would do it (and have done in the past). Its the same challenge as crafting dragonscale armor but you get to look like the badass nord from the commercial, if you catch my drift.


I've implemented this in the past when I wanted my character to wear everyday npc clothes but didn't want him dying like 24/7. So I just had him wear hide boots, and tempered the hide boots to rival that of a full set of light armor using the console to boost my smithing.

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this isnt exactlt the same thing, but its similar. i like to play the same way you like to play and i prefer the low level armours a lot more simply because i like the more down and dirty realistic play style. i have a few combat mods that i had to work hard to get to all work together right but the basic result is realistic combat damage, that means a direct hit no matter what and you are dead. your like that and enemies are like that. it makes the game so much more visceral and strategic. i have skyre and a skre combat tweak mod that boosts the efectiveness of blocking, so you dont take damage for successful blocks at all but it takes stamina. if you are out of stamina youll either get totally staggered from blocking then wont be able to block. combat damage multiplier and duel as well as deadly dragons with dragons boosted to their maz, makes them impossible to defeat in open combat you have to use strategy and hiding spots. heavy armor helps you may be able to get hit twice but iron armour is not so much more effective than glass and when you play like that you arent counting points you are just playing to not get hit at all and hit them before they hit you

Edited by FranklinZunge
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Actually, the Iron Armor, crafted with the help[ of +29/29/29/29 Fortify Smithing set and +130% Fortify Smithing potion, with all +armor perks taken gives you about 600 overall armor, that exceeds the armor cap of 567. So, there is no need in mods.

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