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Hearthfire modders resource how to unlink alchemy from child room?


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This would be a great modders resource to have for people that mod player homes and separate the alchemy lab from the child room and put them in two different places. Also to know how to change the hearthfire scripting to a custom home upgrade like guest room or something so that room is changed when child room is bought or sold instead of alchemy lab. I am thinking that even if I only enable the alchemy lab manually after buying child room it messes up the hearthfire scripting or causes it to think that I no longer have child room and won't let me adopt kids. So being able to separate the two and switch to something else would be great for anyone wanting to know how to do that for player house mods in major holds. I can look at CK and compare the differences but trying to put the hearthfire scripts on a custom home upgrade generates errors about missing scripts and code not loaded problems.



Also why is it that any mod at all to breezehome causes the alchemy lab to not show after buying it? I have to enable it manually every time. I am thinking that it gets enabled by hearthfire scripting instead of the usual TIF scripts but not in housepurchase quest, maybe another quest somewhere else?

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I have discovered a bug or a consequence of modding with multiple master files perhaps with the CK. If you previously made a player home mod that did not use hearthfires.bsa AND altered the housepurchase quest in ANY way, there will be problems when trying to update that mod for hearthfires. I just noticed today that the BYOH script from the scripts section of the housepurchase quest is gone after updating my breezehome mod to use hearthfires. This is why probably ANY mod that alters that housepurchase quest will cause the alchemy lab and the child bedroom to not show after buying them. The enable/disable scripts for the alchemy lab were transferred to BYOHRelationshipAdoptionHousePurchase script to be enabled and disabled as a global instead. This was needed so the other hearthfire quests and scripts would work properly. Also the HDWhiterunChildRoom was removed from that list on the first tab on the left in housepurchase quest. I had to add everything back manually to be exactly like it was by default so my mod version of housepurchase and the default contents are BOTH there as they should be but the alchemy lab and child room still don't show up.


So it looks like any quests altered in a mod before hearthfires that are also altered by hearthfires will be messed up during the process or upgrading a mod to work with hearthfires. I am going to try to change the link between alchemy lab and child room in my mod and see if the child room shows up correctly and the alternate room I want in place of alchemy lab disable shows up too. I have a feeling that simply by changing it in all the right places will make it show up normally in a mod.

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Not just quests and scripts but anything to do with breezehome. I changed Breezehome for my own use extensively and CTD as soon as entering it with heartfires running. deleted the navmesh from my mod via tes5edit and i could enter but the whole basement was then useless, so edit the navmesh with hearthfires to include the basement and CTD again entering the cell. In my mod I did change the childs/alchemy lab room by adding a table and the table versions of the enchant and alchemy stations So when I got hearthfires i moved them down to the basement with the rest of the crafting stations and removed the changes in that room with tes5edit. so then there were no changes at all to anything hearthfires touched except navmesh. I got sick of trying to get the modified cell and hearthfires to play nice so i just removed breezehome completely from the equation and hid the original door inside the house and placed a new one to a new Breezehome cell. then deleted all the pre purchase items such as cobwebs and crates. works fine for me since the adopted kids stay in Solitude which was also moded before hearthfires but didnt CTD.

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See my other thread to find out exactly why breezehome crashes not just navmesh but what sits on it too: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/936062-what-exactly-needs-to-be-changed-to-fix-hearthfire-ctd-breezehome/


I managed to switch the alchemy lab place in the HF scripts for a custom room in my mod! So now the guest room is swapped out for child room instead of alchemy lab. I didn't want to edit that big HF script BYOHadoptionhousepurchase or re compile it so instead I changed the global variables for alchemy lab and alchemy lab start to my guest room xmarkers and it works like that. Then I just had to edit the house purchase quest and move the relevant topics under player dialogue from alchemy to my custom added guest room topic. I also had to edit the scripts for those rooms and papyrus fragments had to be swapped around. I found out the hard way that I have to extract ALL of the HF scripts and copy them to my scripts\source directory before I could compile any HF scripts not just copy over the HF scripts I wanted to change.

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