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Creating an actor


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I followed the steps depicted in the guide which were as follows. Load the geck this case nexus mod manager, loaded master file fallout 4 base not any dlc, immediately following the load saving to create a new plugin for the purpose of this lets say "test", then went to the objects, actors, right clicked created new filled out the required field's saved the character, loaded up a location in game via the render window, and saved the plugin again after making sure the information I desired and the location I desired were correct. I log in to my Bethesda.net account and up load my plugin to the desired platform after packing the files. I just want to know why when I attempt to download my file it is removed from my Bethesda.net account and from my computer altogether am I not suppose to alter the plugin files at all?
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First, are you sure it is gone from your computer? Unless you accidentally deleted it there is nothing in the upload process that should cause it to be deleted from your computer.


Second, did you up load it to the nexusmods?


Third, did the mod meet the Bethesda requirements (e.g., no nudity, etc)?


Just a few things off the top of my head. I assume you tested it on your computer before uploading it.

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