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xbox mods & plugins idea


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i havent been in these forums at all in the past months, because i was working on making a way to move cpu mods & plugins to xbox

since i had played halo, and they have cpu mods and maps which can be "hacked" onto the xbox, i might be able to hack morrowind mods and plugins to xbox using a similar design

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It's illegal to. Well, I don't know if that's true, but it'll void the warranty on your XBox, due to the fact that you have to have special mod chips installed. And I don't think there'd be a way to select the plugins on XBox.
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The mod chips that let you run games burned on your computer(rom images) are illegal but modchips that let you hack into your Xbox are completely legal.


I think there is a prog that runs on a chip that lets you use plugins but only certain ones.

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yes, there is a huge xbox modding community out there. just check on The Screen Savers (TechTV) every once in a while and they most likely will have the next big thing on xbox hacks. as some of you may know they already have media canter mods with pic and music programs as well as a full on internet browser! given the latter i see no reason why you cant download the mods from the internet to your box (that is after someone has made the proper compatibility fixes) or even stream them from your computer by your network.


overall xbox modding is on the up and come as a very versatile computer as well as an awesome gaming machine. that said, i dont see any reason why your project can fail. any major texture of modeling mods may have conflicts with the xbox's sucky processor though so look into that too.


good luck! ./

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