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Regeneration and General Damage Reduction Modlet


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How possible/difficult is it to apply this to items? (I ask this from the perspective of having never edited hex-code.) And is the generic DR a single value, or can it be set individually? I'd like to change all the armour in the game to have DR instead of an HP bonus, and give the aliens individual DRs by type based on their armour/physical structure.

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How possible/difficult is it to apply this to items? (I ask this from the perspective of having never edited hex-code.) And is the generic DR a single value, or can it be set individually? I'd like to change all the armour in the game to have DR instead of an HP bonus, and give the aliens individual DRs by type based on their armour/physical structure.


Damage Reduction can be applied uniquely to each individual unit defined in the Character= array in the DGC.ini (and can even be upgraded twice during the campaign).


This technically includes Civilians, Soldiers and SHIVs.




Unfortunately, on the item side of things the picture is less rosy.


Currently the only two ways to grant DR to XCOM units are :


1) Via the base Character soldier definition in the DGC.ini (which grants it to every XCOM soldier starting as a rookie).

2) There is a tank-specific Damage Reduction modlet that grants all tank units (SHIVs, Drones, Cyberdiscs, and Sectopods) in the game DR based on either max or current HP


Technically the perk Will to Survive grants 2 DR to a non-flanked unit in cover, so I guess there is a third way ...


I did define DR and Regen as stats in the Stat array (so they are managed in the same way as HP, aim, defense, etc) thus allowing them to have temporary fluctuations based on dynamic events. They could also be set up to increase as a part of the level-up process (like any other stat).


However, there is not yet a way to have armor or other equipped items grant Damage Reduction or Regeneration. I'm currently working on a new equipment mod that will:


1) Add new items to the game (around 25 to 30)

2) Build a framework to allow items to grant perks when equipped

3) Build a framework to allow items to grant Damage Reduction and/or Regeneration when equipped


So far I have the new item hex done and the perk-granting hex done, but am still working on the Damage Reduction and Regen part. Oh, and I'm making the whole thing work with the bigger perk tree and anUser's consumable items mod.

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