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Essential Lucy West


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I know the old man that runs the water works in Megaton can commit suicide, but can Lucy West do the same? I have just finished the quest 'Blood Ties" and can't seem to find her to get paid. Is this normal or is she dead/avoiding payment? Is there a mod making her essential if she does have suicidal tendancies? Any input would be helpful.
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I'm not sure but she survived for me and paid me nothing, said nothing new at all. I wasn't visiting her after her family died and before finishing the quest though. And as far as I know - yes, she can die accidentally. Probably she fell from a high place, or just got stuck somewhere.
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there is no reward in this quest except:

1. random stuff from arefu citizens periodically

2. a perk that allows you to restore 20 health using bloodpacks IF you do well in the dialouge with Vance in the family hideout

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Random citizens can dissapear or die for no reason, not really sure why.



One time though i found Sheriff of Megaton dead in the water next to the bomb.


Its my understanding that perhaps he was standing in the water when I used the 'wait here' function for several hours, and since npcs are frozen in spot until it resumes your game, he got 9 hours worth of rads in just 10 seconds so he died...



well, thats my theory anyways



Either way i got a FREE trenchcoat, sheriffs badge and hat! :)

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And sometimes they just fall out of the world. I tried to figure out where Walter went once, used the console to move to him. I found him in a patch of wasteland off the map, with Billy, Moriarty and a couple of Wasteland Settlers, all standing in one spot staring at nothing.


But talking to Lucy is pointless, she may as well be dead. She doesn't react to knowing her family is slaughtered, doesn't react to knowing her brother is alright or that he slaughtered said family, and she doesn't have any reward for you.

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I spoke to her before finding The Family but just after discovering her parents were dead and got some new dialogue. Basically "Oh no, blah blah, but what about Ian?". If you listened when you started the quest she said she couldn't give you a reward and assumed her parents or Ian would give you one when you delivered the message. Personally i find killing Vance to be reward enough, not to mention all the stuff and xp i get disabling all the traps on the way in :biggrin:
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I spoke to her before finding The Family but just after discovering her parents were dead and got some new dialogue. Basically "Oh no, blah blah, but what about Ian?". If you listened when you started the quest she said she couldn't give you a reward and assumed her parents or Ian would give you one when you delivered the message. Personally i find killing Vance to be reward enough, not to mention all the stuff and xp i get disabling all the traps on the way in :biggrin:


Kind of funny..I went down there ready to happily wipe the family out. After talking with Vance and all the people there at length I had a change of heart. I was actually pretty suprised by all the things he had to say.

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