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some mod sugestions?


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I'm playing fallout since a while and i think it's time to mod it. The thing is that i have trouble with finding good mods becouse i like to play fallout as a fallout game. not as a game with weapons from other games so i tought mabey other people who are more familliair with mods could help.

are there any mods for the following sugestions:


-Fallout new vegas doesnt feel challeging at all. even in hardcore mode on very hard. i want the game to be verry challenging. like a harder gameplay and a harder hardcore mode.

-some weapon expantion mod. i dont realy mind what kind of mod tough. as long as the overpowered mods need to be bought.

-mabey weapon mods but i want to put effort in getting them tough. it would be sad to play a game on very hard and have overpowered weapons straight away.

-texturepacks! i'd like to see fallout somewhat smoother.



thanks allot for the help already, and sorry for my grammar:P.

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You might also want Project Nevada and A World of Pain.

Project Nevada adds nifty stuff like sprinting and such, a plugin that makes the game harder by default and also an optional equipment plugin that adds weapons and armor.


A World of Pain adds more dungeons to visit. It's good, although the NPCs don't have voices. Didn't matter much for me.

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Project Nevada comes with a Rebalance plugin. It pretty much, by default, makes the game harder by lowering player's and NPCs' health, smaller carry limit, dehydration and starvation rates, etc.


Makes a varmint rifle seem more dangerous at lower levels.

Edited by TorrentialDefect
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