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Compatibility problems


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Hey guys, quick question. If I add some stuff from dragonborn to my mod. Can people still use my mod without it? For example, i want the waves water effects from dragonborn, could i add those to my mod and then have someone still use my mod except not see the water effects? Does this work to every DLC?

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Obviously if you include the required Dragonborn files with your mod all will be ok, but if you don't then I'd imagine there'll be problems with the game calling for assets that aren't there. I'm not too sure on the official Nexus stance of including official and unmodded DLC files within other mods though.


Perhaps make 2 versions of the mod - one which requires DLC and one that doesn't.

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In order for you to use content from the DLC, you would need to add it as a master file. If a master file is missing, it will cause Skyrim to CTD right after the Bethesda logo. While you could technically include DLC assets in a mod and have it work just fine, I'm pretty sure that would be illegal as you would be providing paid content to people who may not have paid for it. You'll have to make a separate non-DLC version.

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