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War Cry?


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I am not 100% why this is in the mod request as I may give it ago myself.


The mod could work by, a blade been out for say 3 secs while running or sprinting?


Could be kinda cool.

I am not sure how the script would be writen but it could be easy for a pro!!

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From what I understand, you are requesting/looking for a mod that will let you (the player/your avatar)

Shout out a war cry, for example "For Skyrim!" "Death to the Stormcloaks!"

as soon as you sprint with weapons drawn after 3 seconds?

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  • 7 months later...

I had a similar idea where I would like my character to say something occasionally whenever I draw my weapon or put it away. Like when I draw my weapon it would be interesting if my character would say something like "here we go" or if I put my weapon away during the middle of a fight I'd like my character to say "I'll kill you another day"


Some of the NPCs say stuff like that during combat and I would like to say stuff like that too.

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I had a similar idea where I would like my character to say something occasionally whenever I draw my weapon or put it away. Like when I draw my weapon it would be interesting if my character would say something like "here we go" or if I put my weapon away during the middle of a fight I'd like my character to say "I'll kill you another day"


Some of the NPCs say stuff like that during combat and I would like to say stuff like that too.

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I'm sure it would be kind of easy if you just used existing NPC dialogue.


However, I think it would be a little cheesy to hear your character talk. It would be like playing Duke Nukem 3D or something like that. After you kill someone, "HAIL TO THE KING BABY!". Or to a dragon, "I'M GONNA RIP OFF YOU HEAD AND S**T DOWN YOUR NECK!".


Sorry :tongue:

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I'm sure it would be kind of easy if you just used existing NPC dialogue.


However, I think it would be a little cheesy to hear your character talk. It would be like playing Duke Nukem 3D or something like that. After you kill someone, "HAIL TO THE KING BABY!". Or to a dragon, "I'M GONNA RIP OFF YOU HEAD AND S**T DOWN YOUR NECK!".


Sorry :tongue:


This. Bahaha, my sides.


I like the concept of the mod. Other NPCs get to yell and shout whenever they go into battle, why can't we?

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