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the inferno part 5


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Shade arrived at the locker room to see Wildfire in the middle of opening his locker. Shade went to her locker and bit her thumb. Her fang easily drew blood. After her locker opened she grabbed some kunai and her two tantos. She also grabbed a small device that she placed on the tip of her tail.. Steel armor came out of the device and completely cover her tail. The tip was razor sharp.



Meanwhile Wildfire was busy getting ready as well. He had already loaded his H&K 416 and the heartbreakers and was busy loading his AA-12 automatic shotgun. After he finished loading the drum magazine he started to sharpen his katanas. He then grabbed a small box and undid the lock. Inside were his combat gloves. Each finger ended in a razor sharp claw.



After everyone was ready three strikers pulled up to take them to the drop off point. The ride was uneventful. Everyone was talking about what was about to happen or, if you were by shade, betting on how many kills you were going to get. 30 minutes later the APCs stopped. “Ok everyone” wildfire said. “the base is a mile north of here. Intel said that they could detect us if we rode all the way so we’re sneaking in. luckily we got here after the sun went down so the night should help hide us. Make sure you silencers are on and follow me”.



Just ten minutes later one of the soldiers saw a lone guard. He raised his rifle to kill him but Garrett grabbed the barrel and pushed his gun down.” look in the tree above him” Garrett whispered. The man looked up to see wildfire crouching on a low branch. He was in the middle of drawing his katana. He then dropped down blade first. The guard looked up just as the cut started. Wildfire then stood up to face the man he cut. A second latter the guards clothes fell away. Everyone could see a thin red line down the middle of him. Another second later the man fell sideways…in two different directions. Everyone felt sick and one of Garrett’s men threw up. Garrett walked up the man. “I don’t think you should come with us. You won’t be able to handle it. If you come you’ll see how the devil himself fights”….

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