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Slower Deaths for NPC's


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Okay, so I've noticed lately how boring and unrealistic the standard death is. I shoot someone with an arrow and they just toppled over instantaneously. My idea is for a mod where certain deaths would be more drawn out and realistic. Example: You shoot an elk with an arrow, in the throat, and instead of hundreds of pounds of elk just toppling over, which would never happen in real life, the poor thing staggers around, teetering and trying to move away before finally collapsing after maybe 10-30 seconds, depending on the style of death. This could apply to all creatures and humanoids, basically all NPC's. For instance, people would desperately grasp at bleeding wounds or try to pull arrows from their chests. This would just make the whole game far more realistic and immersive. If this mod is possible, it would be great for someone to make.

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i'd love something like this! a bandit pulls his paralyzed legs forward a few feet, reaches to the sky, and dies. great idea.

well it could happen. we're finally getting some work done in the skinning animals dept. so here's hoping

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