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Better cities Syrim edition


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Seems like a very promising project. for smaller cities imho there no better mod than expanded cities complete, but no complete big cities mod . there are several whiterun, windhelm and solitude replacements but none as comprehensive as your mod. in fact the only decent solitude mod I found has major bug with hall of the dead -


by the way do you make sure it doesnt bug your mod as well? - solitude has some changes when its capture by stormcloaks and that breaks many solitude mods there

Edited by Dark_MadMax
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Thanks Bluepiano,

I really love your Windhelm version and currently use it! Yet i like our Better Cities Whiterun version better than yours :p

So it is all about mixing and matching! So for everyone downloading: every city will stay modular on the better cities mod page,

so enjoy bluepiano's and better-cities-team's overhauls together!

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