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Far Cry

Knife fight with Buck problems - Spoilers


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I am at the point of the knife fight with Buck and using a PC. As the fight starts I see an indication to click my right mouse button. I do so and all that happens is that I get stabbed in the heart....again. I have tried this over 100 times and I can't seem to get past this knife fight. While I've had a few 'learning curve' moments in this game, I've always been able to figure them out and move onward. I mostly play FPS games and some combo games like Fallout and I am not new to computer gaming, but I can't seem to get past this mission.


Once or twice it seemed that I block the thrust and got knocked down, only to stand up and get stabbed in the heart at that time. Why can Ubisoft just give me control of the character and let us fight it out? If they are going to script a fight than why any user interaction at all. This neither fish nor fowl method nor good red meat method has got me just about to the point of giving up on FC3 and Ubisoft.

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No, it turned out to be two things. First one of the key instructions was appearing in a spot where I could barely see it. The second was that I did not know what 'MASH' was. Apparently this is a common command for a console, but I've never seen it referred to on a PC before. Once I saw the key instruction that I had been missing before, now I could get to the 'Mash the keyboard' instruction. Knowing that there is nothing to sense how hard you press a key on a keyboard, I looked it up on the web and got through the knife fight. In my opinion, putting the instruction all over the screen and in hard to see places is just bad coding. I think that this just pulls you out of immersion in the game.

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  • 1 year later...

I know what you mean, it took me quite a while to get through the Buck fight, first time I played & even longer to get through the one with Hoyt. Very annoying.


But the game graphics when you are free roaming the islands more then makes up for it in my opinion.


In any case because of this sort of crap, I've totally given up on Far Cry4 due to that "STUPID F#*king Bird!!!!!" Man, I tried full-on through EASY Level mind you, to kill that damned thing & just couldn't do it, so I gave up & now I've come back to Far Cry3.


I don't understand why Ubisoft had that DUMB Bird - much like the Ink Monster in Far Cry3 - it doesn't really need to be there, but at leastI can kill him.


But yeah, I get what you're saying, about wanting to give up during these fights - they really are deal-breakers. I'm glad you didn't quit Far Cry3.


Hope the re-playability of this game continues for you.



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