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Provide your users with a feature to skip "mods" that are only "character sliders".


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Please consider adding a feature that will separate "mods" that are only character sliders or appearance (for recreating them in games). I've just been looking for some mods for Cyberpunk and literaly 80% current "mods" are character sliders. Those are not mods, they doesn't modify anything in game! I don't care if someone want to post something like this but pls add separate cathegory for them or mark them somehow so someone who is actually looking for mods doesn't have to go through multiple pages of useless content.

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Look for the cyberpunk 2077 game in the drop down list, select it and look through the tags that are shown on page, select the ones you do not wish to view.


Since you don't want to see character presets, start with that one. You just click on the tag you want to block, it'll change color to show you've selected it and it'll be added to the "currently blocked tags" list near the top.

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As a further request to expand on this, I'd like it if character SAVES and character PRESETS could be separated, either in the tags or the categories, for ease of blocking. I don't mind presets, but I have zero interest in cheated save files with everything unlocked.

Edited to add: when/if CDPR ever implements in-game character modification, this is going to be even more relevant. Fallout 4 & Skyrim nexus sites, for example, both have separate presets/saves categories. These tags will fill up quick.

Edited by roelani
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