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Mod troubleshooting forums need better regulation and control


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Nobody posts their load orders, this should be mandatory in mod troubleshooting forums for Bethesda forums.


This is incredibly frustrating, I try to help people, mostly in the fallout games mod support forums, but it limits my ability to help when they refuse to post their load orders.


Lately its been bad, people are clogging up the forum with posts begging for help but not posting load orders. I like helping people but at the moment it feels more like a chore than a hobby due to people being too lazy to post their load orders.


Can we get some more moderation going on in the mod troubleshooting forums? Maybe issue out afew warnings to people who do not post load orders or make it a mandatory requirement to post in those forums?



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The Nexus has a long history of not requiring authors to do much of anything except provide a (minimal) Description along with their mods, and to refrain from uploading malware, spam, or mods known to break the game. This is not going to change. :armscrossed:

Likewise, the players asking for help often don't know what elements of information are relevant to their situation. New ones may not even know what a "load order" is. If you're serious about wanting to help, then when it matters you should (politely) ask them.

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Also there is nothing wrong with being a complete noob and asking for help. I understand its frustrating to see the SKYRIM CRASHED OMFG HELP ME NOW kinds of post with nothing else. However all we can do is say a prayer to the internet gods and ask for more info, hoping to educate a bit along the way.


Now if they get nasty when you don't immediately answer their question..that's when we should be getting a report and moderating the thread.

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