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Black screen after changing ENB


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I've been playing New Vegas without issue (GoG version if it matters) with a basic ENB, decided to replace the enb with Rudy enb and I got a black screen on launch with the music playing. Went back to the enb that worked, and the issue stuck around, I've since completely wiped every enb file from the game and it's still giving me a black screen with music playing.


I have never been so frustrated at a technical problem in my life, this is mind boggling to me. It worked with one enb, but stopped working altogether after trying another even after that one is practically nuked from my games installation. Any solutions?

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Sounds like the Ruby preset overwrote or added a file which did not get restored/removed when you tried to fix things. You may want to compare the list of files installed or modified by both ENB presets for differences. (The black screen on launch is usually a missing DirectX driver. ENB installs it's own which then "hooks" back into the normal Windows one.)


Please see the 'Checklist' and 'Solutions to Starting the game problems' sections of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.



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Nothing I tried in that guide worked but I managed to fix it. I was about to clean install when I decided to take a shot in the dark and verify the files through GOG, and somehow either installing an ENB or removing it with ENB Manager had deleted some files because GOG had to redownload 160mb worth of game.

It loads fine now, I have no idea what files were lost but thankfully they're easy to replace so I'll know what to do if this happens again.

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