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Skyrim Main Menu crashes


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Hi Guys,


I have a problem with a constant crash in the Main Menu, I got a whole bunch of mods installed and I dont know what mod could cause the problem.

I had to spend a whole day reinstalling all my mods, so I hope someone can help me finding out why my games crashes. The Main Menu disappears after

about 1 sec, it just crashes without any report.

Here is my BOSS log:




I also edited the SkyrimPref.ini and Skyrim.ini a lot, but I dont think that causes the problem. I didnt mess up with ugrids or something, I only increased the render

distance, some resolutions and I edited the particle effects a bit.


I would appreciate the help a lot!

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You have messages in BOSS that you need to address.

I would read your log carefully and fix the problems other than the "dirty edits" warnings first (For eample, in order to use both WIC and CLoaks, you need to use a patch, and also must only pick one of each file. I'd go back and read everything on each mod page; you also have BOSS telling you mods you are using are not compatible with each other, so you need to pick just one.)

I didn't check to see if you have skse, but you may need it if you dont.


After you fix the messages, rerun BOSS and double check, then close/reopen NMM and try to start. If it still doesn't work, you may want to investigate using TESV edit, but to do so, I would recommend very carefully reading all the information about it first.

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