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[REQ]Equip/dress any body


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I think I saw a mod somewhere on nexus, that allows u to equip dead body or followers(last one is not necessery - UFO and AFT). With simply editing theire inventory.

i.e. I want to ressurect a dead body, but first it need to be well geared up (it really make a sense with SkyRe no timelimit ressurection).


Any ideas or link, please.



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Put all the equipment into dead body


Revive dead body


Open console and select your zombie


Use command: inv


Use page up and page down to acquire the item codes for the equipment you gave it.


Use command: equipitem [item Code] 1





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Idk how you think using console is cheating but using mods is not. You're the one who wants your zombies to have nice armor and weapons. So just take 5 seconds to use the console instead of spending time requesting the mod be made on a forum and then getting butthurt when someone suggests an easier way.


And you're using mods like no timelimit resurrection and UFO/AFT and you think you're better than people who use "tgm"? Cheating is cheating doesnt matter how you do it.


And how is using the console considered coding? It's just a few simple commands... Try to be more open minded instead of shooting other people down when they're just trying to help you. If you're worried about achievements, no, console does not effect achievements and no one will think you are a cheater except maybe yourself and you'll get over it

Edited by Tehandyman
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  • 6 months later...

I am still interested on this; I cant find a mod that lets easly equip a zombie with best stuff we cant carry to fight for us; thats so obvious, we just dress it up before raising it;


the console commands are game-flow breaking; I do it but dont like..

If it was possible to simple put items on it and it choose best items to equip that would be cool

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How about a spell that when cast causes the target actor's inventory to be accessible to the player?


By adding the items to the inventory when they are "alive" they may auto-equip the items.


I'm working on something else at the moment so I can't do this, but I can give a head start on the scripting...




Scriptname YourScriptNameHere Extends ActiveMagicEffect
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)



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U forgot to add to use TGM in console..go away, please. I don't want to code it, I just wanna play.


Do you realize that all mods do is execute commands from the console to accomplish things like this? It's not magic. It's the same thing to just put the commands in yourself instead of bothering modders to do it for you. It's "cheating" either way. Play Vanilla Skyrim, thats the only "non-cheating" way to play.

Edited by MostlyMuggie
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U forgot to add to use TGM in console..go away, please. I don't want to code it, I just wanna play.


Do you realize that all mods do is execute commands from the console to accomplish things like this? Its the same thing to just put the commands in yourself instead of bothering modders to do it for you. It's "cheating" either way. Play Vanilla Skyrim, thats the only "non-cheating" way to play. I also question whether you know what "coding" is. :D


Actually that is false. There are some console commands that do not have equivalent papyrus commands and vice versa. Also there is no way for papyrus to access any console command. Therefore mods do not execute commands from the console and in some cases require a bit more effort to accomplish the same task.

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U forgot to add to use TGM in console..go away, please. I don't want to code it, I just wanna play.


Do you realize that all mods do is execute commands from the console to accomplish things like this? Its the same thing to just put the commands in yourself instead of bothering modders to do it for you. It's "cheating" either way. Play Vanilla Skyrim, thats the only "non-cheating" way to play. I also question whether you know what "coding" is. :D


Actually that is false. There are some console commands that do not have equivalent papyrus commands and vice versa. Also there is no way for papyrus to access any console command. Therefore mods do not execute commands from the console and in some cases require a bit more effort to accomplish the same task.


Fare enough, however the outcomes of a mod and the console comands are pretty much the same. Taking the effort to make a script to do this doesn't seem to make sense when the commands are very easy to do. Thanks for the correction.

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How about a spell that when cast causes the target actor's inventory to be accessible to the player?


By adding the items to the inventory when they are "alive" they may auto-equip the items.



I am using Requiem mod, that we can already access zombies inventory and place items; the problem is that zombies wont equip the items; I understand that zombies should have no brains therefore not be able to equip items for themselves.


The idea is that we could dress them before reanimating. Do you believe it is possible to items be equipped on bodies just after they are placed on their inventory while still dead? that would do the trick and also be cool in lore.


Another way would be to copy to the zombies the normal AI that self dress (if I am not guessing wrong), but enable it only initially for 1s so items you add later to its inventory wont be equipped; but anyway, initially anything that actually works giving the expected results will already be MUCH better than typing commands on console :D


Also I havent played requiem long enough so I dont know if later zombies will auto-equip already when we become a better conjurer...


... Taking the effort to make a script to do this doesn't seem to make sense when the commands are very easy to do. Thanks for the correction.


yes it does make sense because to open console and read hexa ids to type is UTTERLY boring :sad:

Edited by Gussak
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