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[REQ]Equip/dress any body


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I think...


Not tested... but theory seems sound


Put this on the player alias of a dummy quest



ScriptName YourScriptNameHere Extends ReferenceAlias

Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
  If (akBaseItem as Armor) || (akBaseItem as Weapon)
    If akDestContainer as Actor
      Actor Dude = akDestContainer as Actor
      If Dude.IsDead() && Dude.GetItemCount(akBaseItem) > 0


This SHOULD allow any dead body you interact with to equip any armor or weapon you put back into their inventory. User must take care with the order in which the items are placed. Should they choose to allow this actor to carry more than what can be worn at one time.

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I think...


Not tested... but theory seems sound


Put this on the player alias of a dummy quest



ScriptName YourScriptNameHere Extends ReferenceAlias

Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
  If (akBaseItem as Armor) || (akBaseItem as Weapon)
    If akDestContainer as Actor
      Actor Dude = akDestContainer as Actor
      If Dude.IsDead() && Dude.GetItemCount(akBaseItem) > 0


This SHOULD allow any dead body you interact with to equip any armor or weapon you put back into their inventory. User must take care with the order in which the items are placed. Should they choose to allow this actor to carry more than what can be worn at one time.

the script looks awesome thx! EDIT: someone create the mod please? I am not being able to.. :(

Edited by Gussak
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