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Only have 3.2GB of RAM instead of 4, is this why I can't use quest


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I can use almost any mod just fine, but the second I get one that adds a large amount of new areas to the game I get the good old no-error-CTD. I recently found out that Skyrim can make use of up to 4GB of RAM, but I don't even have that. And I was pondering if that's why I simply can't have quest mods of large sizes installed. (And tropical skyrim, shame as that mod looks so pretty...)


To amend this, do I literally just buy more sticks of RAM and cram then in to upgrade or is there a required process?

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There are a few things to note here. I've got plenty of mods installed including lots of high-res texture replacers but have never seen TESV.exe using more than 2.5 GB of RAM, but mostly these kinds of mods require higher amounts of VRAM and not system memory. If you are using a 32bit operating system adding more system RAM will not benefit you as it will not be able to utilize more than 4GB (a limitation of 32bit architecture). As far as the CTDs go, I had a huge issue with this when I first started in Solsteim but it turned out to be Skyrim.ini tweaks (see my post here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/932640-random-ctd-in-solstheim/). Not to say the Skyrim.ini tweaks are causing your issue, but it might be a good place to look first. I've not personally tried the Tropical Skyrim mod yet but I read changes some of the Skkyrim.ini settings was a workaround for some of the texture pop-in issues with the mod.



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