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Myth TFL mod


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I guess this would be a massive request and probably more of a conversion than a mod of a similar size to the MERP project but I thought I would put it on here since nobody else has yet.


Myth: The Fallen Lords was the first RTS and also game of the year when it was released in 1997. Games and graphics have come a long way since then and therefore I believe that the Skyrim engine and modding tools could provide the perfect case for bringing Myth back to life. Since the game is old and many players and modders may not be familiar with this I can list various sites that provide an insight into what the game was about with it's in-depth storyline and various races, characters and artifacts.


The game is set in a world with different era's of which the dark are in control. Basically you fight the forces of the dark (undead armies and sorcerers) out of the lands of the west where all but a few towns and cities have been annihilated by the forces of the dark and each reoccurring battle and skirmish brings you closer to the enemy where you must destroy their leader (the leveler) and bring an end to the reign of the dark. Each level begins with a narration which gives the player a better understanding of what is going on and what your mission objective is. In each mission the player also has a different selection of units (sometimes to the players disadvantage) and must fight various numbers of enemies and enemy types. Now I figured this may be very difficult to implement however Skyrim has a lot of very similar aspects, landscapes and enemies of its own which gave me this idea to begin with.


The map which TFL uses is fairly similar to Tolkien's map of Middle Earth as are some of the races for instance there are dwarves in both however in Middle Earth they wield axes and hammers where as in Myth they wield molotov cocktails and satchel charges to blow up enemies. In Middle Earth there are Ents where as in Myth there are Forest Giants which fullfil the same role usually fighting off larger enemies such as Trow. I figured the game play would be the major difference of the playing since Myth is an RTS you can usually control anywhere from 5 to 30 units where as in RPG you can only control your own character, however in Skyrim there are a number of instances where you meet either Imperial soilders or Stormcloak soilders for sieges and ambushes which Is what had me thinking that if this can be used to win strategic locations then it could also be used for missions and skirmishes.


Here is a map of the world in which the myth game is based and the trajectory of the missions of which there are 25 in total but this could be increased since there are many events talk about in the narration of the game of which the game does not provide missions for. I will also add the the dotted lines represent world knot travel which is a location that teleports units and armies to other parts of the world in seconds (Similar to the Shrines in the Forgotten Vale in Dawnguard) Here is an image of the map:




Pretty much all of the legends and lore of the game can be found at - http://myth.bungie.org/legends/ and for additional information of races and characters the site has a section for as well - http://myth.bungie.org/legends/encyclopedia/who.html . Each level's narrative can be found on this page - http://myth.bungie.org/legends/journal/j1-01_crows_bridge.html . And if this Mod/Conversion has interest then obviously playing the game or watching youtube videos of each level might help in shedding light on what the game is like.


There have been various attempts at bringing this game back from the dead and since none of them have yet been completed I figured Skyrims engine may help bring the game back from the darkness with the epic bloody gameplay and stunning immersive landscapes and graphics that the game deserves. Any interest or criticism on this idea is welcome and I hope that there is a modding team out there that recognises this conversions potential.

Edited by tempestseeker
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey I'm a Myth fan and I thought about doing this too. I never had enough time to seriously devote to it though, although I did play around with making Myth warrior armor in Oblivion and downloaded alot of colormaps of the landscapes in myth to start building some of the towns and lands.


I'd love to play an RPG in the Myth Universe, but I've never had enough time to really devote to doing this and learning the Skyrim Creation Kit. Hopefully in the future when my finances are more solid I could take a crack at it, I think it would be great too, glad to see somebody else here had the idea.



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  • 2 months later...

Hey MaceofTanis. Thanks for replying to my thread. Didn't think it would get any attention so haven't been on here in a while. I like your idea of skins for warriors, as well as maybe Fir Bolg, Beserks, Journeymen or Avatara. Having the dark as enemy replacers would be pretty cool too. I understand your position. If I knew how to work these programs I'd probably be doing something about this myself right now but it's a bit over my head. I think this sort of project would probably require a proper team similar to the lord of the rings based one MERP and I guess it would probably take quite a bit of time for it to get finished too depending on how dedicated the team was.

I agree definitely a Myth based RPG similar to Skyrim would have great potential and be very addictive. I can just about picture in my head the scene from Bagrada with a group of soldiers huddled around a campfire through the night having some banter and then some loud thunderous sound marching toward them hidden from the thick snowfall and the darkness of night and then all of a sudden a Trow appears and the company of men meet their fate in bloody pieces...






sorry my imagination got a bit carried away there. I'm sure There are still plenty of Mythers out there that are holding their breath for the next instalment of the series so I figured posting this here my help inspire someone to make use of what Skyrim has to offer. Great to see that it caught someone's eye!

Edited by tempestseeker
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