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Oblivion Win7 64bit CTD


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My OS install is definitely one that's been around quite some time... Most likely the longest out of all of my installs... And I am quite proud to say that it shall be sticking around a little longer! I disabled Google Drive, Copy, and Dropbox all from running when windows starts up, I turned off my virus protection's real-time mechanism, and I disabled in the indexing feature on Windows, restarted and disabling something made Oblivion work. I went all the way through the entire tutorial level with out crashing on the highest video settings with out sound disabled, with out compatibility mode, not running the program as an admin, just pure, Vanilla Oblivion. I ran all the way to the market district and hopped around for a minute or so and it wasn't crashing. I'm so excited to finally be able to play the game again! I lost a few steam games, as I was preparing to wipe and reinstall, because I had moved my steam installation of games to my second drive (which is a much smaller drive) to keep those around, however, that's not a huge deal... I never even fully deleted the games off my original drive and now I won't need to. I'm going to go ahead and re-enable each feature (Indexing, Real-Time Virus protection, drive/dropbox/copy) one by one and post back here ASAP to report what was causing the problem. As I've heard from multiple sources that anti-virus real time operations can be the source of CTD's, I'm going to go ahead and start there.

Thanks again to all of you who have contributed any form of mental effort to solving my problem. :D

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That was exactly the procedure I was following regarding moving my installation, and it worked well, but my secpnd drive was too small to hold my entire library of games, so I had to cut it in half, not a huge deal as I had not yet played many of the games I uninstalled. I simply had them installed ASAP so I could play them at my convenience lol

I enabled real time virus protection again, played for a good 15 minutes or so, restarted my PC, been playing for another 15 minutes with that on, and no crashes yet so far. I am about to attempt to play with search indexing turned on. In all honesty, this is what I hope was the root of the problem as I thoroughly enjoy and utilize the services of drive/copy/dropbox quite often, and I'd hate to have to disable one, or all of these, to play Oblivion.

Edited by vader134
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So, I've been trouble shooting for about 2 hours... I've re-enabled my virus protection, indexing, dropbox, and copy so far... And still no problems. Either Google Drive is the Culprit, or the mysterious "HsMgr" I disabled is. I didn't mention this in the post about how I got the game working because I thought HsMgr was extremely insignificant. I've never known what it does and I've seen it in my msconfig on every windows install I recall doing, so I figured disabling would have no affect... But it could have been the problem... I'm about to restart to allow google drive to start with windows, and if Oblivion plays, it had to have been HsMgr... If Oblivion plays with Google Drive/Dropbox/Copy all running in the background, I'll re-enable HsMgr on start up and see if it causes the crashing again, and if it does, I'll be sure to report it here.

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Alright! That is it. I figured it out! It was in fact the HsMgr process, what ever that is, that was causing the problem. I re-enabled everything else to start with windows, one by one, restarting in between each program, and upon enabling HsMgr, rebooting, and attempting to launch Oblivion, Oblivion wouldn't work. Hopefully some one who encounters my problem will be able to use this forum to their advantage now.

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Yeah, I have noticed a few sounds that don't play at all in Oblivion now... However, that is a sacrifice I am absolutely willing to make. I have a majority of the sounds and the game is stable with out that running. I hope other games work well with out it, as well... I'll have to find out sooner or later.

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I've got oblivion on all four cores right now and it may cause a conflict if they are sharing a core... Perhaps... I'm not sure... But I think I can live with out it, I'll have to try some other games here soon with it disabled and hope everything still works well

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