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Dragonsouls not absorbing ...


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First off, I have been reading numerous posts over the last few days regarding 'Mods', 'Load Orders', 'Meshes', 'Scaling', etc. and my brain is fried. If this is mentioned already (and I HAVE seen several posts regarding this topic), I've either missed it or "the fix" mentioned therein hasn't worked for me.


I've been enjoying Mods found on Nexus, rather than Steam, lately (nudity, graphics improves, item replacers (better models)), and one or more recommended 'a clean start' for best performance. Given this as incentive, I started a new game and since then (going on two-weeks now of checking the -net for fixes and work-arounds) I cannot absorb dragonsouls.


From the 'Dragon Rising' quest (slay Mirmulnir (first dragon you encounter) at the western watch-tower) and on-ward, once I slay the beast(s), it just lays there and does not crumble into flaming ash and bare-skelly, giving me it's soul in the process.


Sadly, I have a mix of Mods (Steam and Nexus- downloaded), and they number at about 70 - 80. I've tried uninstalling some, reinstalling some, updating everything from Steam to the NMM, and cannot get it to work as intended. I run the three DLCs (Hearth-, Dawn-, and Dragon-) as well as the HiDef (free-DLC).


I did not list the Mods or a specific load-order here as there are MANY and by now (with all my adding- subtracting- and shuffling- over the last week), it's a mess. I've even tried using the BOSS download (it's what led to the deletion of several conflicting mods).


When I instituted the 'clean start', I deleted all saves, exited Steam completely, restarted the Computer and started a New game. In the process though, I have also completely removed STEAM and Skyrim from my computer and reinstalled them (mods and all).


Is there a general fix that is known, that I have missed? Please, give it some thought and let me know? I enjoy my Skyrim-experience (Modded now), and want it to work again as it should. If I have to drop the mods, it will detract from the game (imo).


Thank you (all).


Note: I am not a creator (I wish...) or modifier of Mods, and so am not technical-experienced ((to be read: "Of course I can program the VCR... I mean DVD-player... um, Blue-Ray? Oh man..." <face-palm> )), so any help given I request it be given in barest layman's-terms. Thanks again.

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To begin make sure when you add mods that you do so one at a time, going in game and making sure all is well. Always keep a clean save before you start adding mods. Also when you take mods out many have special instructions you would need to follow and also doing them one at a time is necessary. Usually turning the mod off, saving, loading your game then saving again without the mod being on.


That being said this is a common Dragonborn bug that is fixed with the latest Unofficial Skyrim Patch as per their changelog:

Dragonborn's changes to DragonActorScript.psc have now been properly merged with the fixes done in the USKP. Dragon soul absorbtion is now working 100% correctly.


The mod is here:





I would also suggest using theDragonborn patch by Arthmoor too (listed second). Please read the installation instructions.


I hope this helps.

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The Unofficial patches did the trick. Dragonsouls are absorbable once more; however, after playing for several hours last evening, I logged and quit for the night. Tried to play again today and NOW the game CTD at the Continue screen (right after the Bethesda screen).


I'm sifting through MODs at the moment, BUT it all worked fine before... <<Boggles>>

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