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Making the Personal Vertibird Unique.


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Hi, I'm actually rewriting this because I tried to edit it and screwed it up, which proves how much of a noob I am. :facepalm: lol.
My Friend Anoxeron is trying to apply the textures from his mod Navy Birds " http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/18783 "which adds a vertibird with a U.S. Navy paint scheme to the deck of the carrier in Rivet City, along with six vertibird toys with unique paint schemes based on the major powers during WW II, U.S.A. Great Britain, Germany, Japan, and Russia to Flamey's awesome mod Personal Vertibird Home "http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/18697" and since his mod uses the vanilla .dds files we have to create a unique bird for that mod in order to apply the new textures to Flamey's V-Bird only. To achieve this we need help with scripting, I'm no modder, but as Anoxeron puts it " It almost seems like the animations are hard coded to a specific script and unfortunately to change one will alter them all. It also seems that it would be easiest to duplicate the script and edit the id's but I have to apologize - It's still braille to me". So we're asking you or if you know someone to help in slaying this Monster. Imagine your own personal V-Bird coming in for a landing, flying your country's flag, How Cool can that be!!! So please contact Anoxeron or myself if you can help, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Btw, we do have Flamey's ok, and credit will be given for any help received. Thank you all in advance!

Edited by Mefoofo
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I'm sorry that no one has responded to this request for your help. If I could help you I would do it with all my heart. But you know me very well and you know that I'm not a modder. :confused:

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I'm sorry that no one has responded to this request for your help. If I could help you I would do it with all my heart. But you know me very well and you know that I'm not a modder. :(

thank you my friend, I know you would!

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Incidently, I applied my new Enclave texture to the vertibirdground.nif and low and behold. In taking back Project Purity the Enclave birds were sporting my new revamped paint scheme!!! But alas the goal is to affect the Personal Vertibird only. I've been tinkering with the nifs and when I destroyed Ravenrock THOSE vertibirds had the Navy texture. It was really cool seeing a mass of vertibirds flying the Navy paint scheme but really sucked watching them get shot down. :facepalm: I've been trying to isolate which nifs affect the birds in game and have successfully narrowed down two but don't want every single one to be changed. Any help in this endevour will be GREATLY APPRECIATED. ANY input - thoughts, ideas, or even general comments pointing us in the right direction. Again - Much Thanks !!!

Edited by Anoxeron
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@Anoxeron, I just saw your pic's and they look amazing. I have a few with all the other textures landing on the RC Carrier, but I'm trying to figure out how to add multiple images on one post. I've asked around but no feedback yet. Do you know how?

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Sorry but I don't either. I need to talk to KingDeath or Flamey. I know how to create unique IDs but don't know which one his mod affects. I can probably track it down in Geck - I'll get back with You this evening. We are, however, one step closer !!! I can do this. Keep 'em :smile: 'n !!! Sorry about that - I meant MrDeathKing. But I'm still not getting something. Even if create another unique vertibird, I already have with Navy Bird, how do I make it specific to Flamey's vertibird. I looked but the only thing I've found so far is the interior. Not trying to seem dense but I'm obviously missing something. I know his mod requires Broken Steel - I'll open them both up in Geck using Flamey's as active and see if that gets me anywhere!?!

Edited by Anoxeron
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Mefoofo & Anoxeron - Hello!


I've answered Anoxeron in a little more detail in a pm but I thought I'd put a basic version of the answer on here in case others were wanting it. :smile:

The models used are set in the Activators, the Activators themselves are unique to the mod so changing them will only change that particular vertibird just as you wanted.

No need to change any scripts as far as I can see, they refer to the Activators & whatever model is set in there is what get's used.

If you look in FO3Edit at Personal Vertibird Home mod, under Activators you will find them.

Looks like it's mainly:




They both point to the the same model:


That's a Broken Steel model that's in the:

BrokenSteel - Main.bsa

So you should only have to redirect the mod to use a new custom textured version of the model used.

Apply your custom textures to a copy of VertibirdEncount01.NIF model & rename it to something unique like SnazzyVertibirdEncount01.NIF & place that model into your meshes folder.

Change the model used within the mod to point to your new model instead of the VertibirdEncount01.NIF. Probably easiest to do so in FO3Edit in that Activators section I mentioned above.

I threw together a quick test, this is a called in animated Vertibird from the Personal Vertibird Home mod using a quick camo retexture:



Hope this helps!


Edited by prensa
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It not only works but it worked like a charm. Not only that - You fixed my 3rd person perspective also!!! You ROCK Prensa - Thank You ever so MUCH !!! :smile:

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