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Custom enchanted items baseID


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Do custom enchanted items, and items enchanted with sigil stones and the like, have their own baseID, or are they treated by the game as the orignal base item with addtional information added?

If they have their own baseID, I am guessing this would be stored in the game saves.

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All 'manufactured' or 'summoned' items and creatures have a base ID starting with 'FF', whereas things added in the CS begin with the number corresponding to the load order of the mod that added it. For example, anything added by Oblivion.esm (the base master) begins with '00', the next mod loaded by the game gets '01' etc. This data is stored in saved games, yes, and the easiest way to find an ID for an item created in-game is to save the game as a text file. Open the console and type (eg.):


save SaveDump 1


The appended '1' created a text dump of the save, and you will find it with your other save games, but with a .txt suffix. The above example would be saved as SaveDump.ess.txt


Open the dumped file and search for the name of the item you are looking for. Remember, if it's created in-game, the ID will begin with 'FF'.

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Thanks. I think I will first try intsalling the formID finder mod to get the baseID of "maufactured" items. If it works that would be easier than sorting through the savedump.

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