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Suddenly no Music


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hey hey guys,

i`ve got a little problem with my music and i mean just the music in skyrim.

I suddenly dont have music anymore the normal voices and sounds of fighting and so on are still there but the gernerell music is turned off and i dont know why, the strange thing about that is, that in an older save game to music works but and don´t want to load this anymore because its too old :biggrin:

i´ve tried nearly everything from steam repair to turn off and on my music mods ...

got anbody a better idea?


sry for bad english im german :biggrin:




PS: I discovered something new....when i am at the loading screen when the music should turn on i could hear that the music is going to start but than suddenly seams to turn quiet and than there is no more music...so please if anybody got an idea please help me :D

Edited by CyberKraken
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