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Incantations for Spellcasting


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Is there any way to make a mod that adds shouts or even custom incantations while spell casting???


Character says "Be still!" upon cast of Calm spell

"Death is not the end!" for a Necromancy spell

"Into the shadows" whispered for Muffle or Invisibility
"Stay strong!" for Healing Hands

This would be an awesome mod and would add more role-playing dimension to the game, like D&D.

If the Unbound Dremora can have their battle/death/victory cries, why can't the Dovahkiin?

I would be SO excited if this could be a reality, so let me know what can be done! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

This would be a brilliant mod, although I would personally prefer something slightly more mystic-sounding like: "Arensir Mornia!" with rolled "Rs"


In the creation kit in the magic effects the is a thing which says "Sound when drawn" or something similar and another which says " Sound when cast" again, not sure of exact words.


I'll see if I can add a sound file to the list and then I'll try and make a mod which does this. The only problem would be it would be my voice saying the words, unless I recorded something (e.g. from Merlin) which may be copyright.



Edit: I have successfully added sound effects to the fireball spell, however my voice sounds ridiculous in Skyrim, and there is a pause before I speak. Other than that though, it is possible!

Edited by aaatppp
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