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which main quest is the best?

no name white boy


39 members have voted

  1. 1. which main quest is the best?

    • the normal one
    • bloodmoon
    • tribunal

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My vote has gone to tribunal, cause that one has a story with lies, deceit, treachery, the great plaza brindisi dorom battle, a new style dwemer lair (Bamz-Amshend), the coolest daedric ruin(Nurenen-dur), and the infamous Clockwork City. So much more unique locations with different looks, but also an interesting story, and i think more unique quests.

Cause c'mon how often do you get to talk with an orc about his uncle's farm :P


Anyway, that's my 2 cents.



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I'd hafta say bloodmoon because of a few reasons. I really am not a fan of the regular main quest because i dont like having to travel through all the ashlands and dealing with thousands of cliff racers. I also didnt like having to unit all of the tribes and great houses. Zzzzzzzzzzzz... Granted, you do get alot of useful items in the main quest but thats not enough to wake me up. Tribunal was better and i havent completly played it through yet but I've seen enough of it to say i like bloodmoon the best. A few reasons (almost done ranting) I like bloodmoon best is because i liked seeing bright green and white. Vvardenfel is a very dark place and i liked traveling through green and white better than black, grey, and brown. I'm not saying there isn't any green in morrowind, just that there's very little. secondly, I liked the questsbetter. The Warewolf ring is awesome and overseeing the construction a city (east empire company) was pretty cool. finally,..well.. thats about my opinion. eh... bad ending..... <_<
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I have to say bloodmoon. It is much more entertaining. It is just an island and for a nords its like a home away from home. there are so many mini quests and such that it takes up your time without being boring. Im also a big fan of the nordic snow animal armor, just because it looks cool. The mead hall, raven rock(east empire), the creature. All of it is just so much cooler.
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Morrowind. There are quite a few intricacies to it that bring it worlds away from the expansions' main quests in terms of replay value, along with that "epic" quality that the expansions' main quests seem to lack.


That's not to mention the chence to skip over some of the more mundane parts if you wish to -- I cannot put into words my desire to do such a thing when it came time to rub my hands on those big, phallic stones in the Bloodmoon main quest.

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Morrowind I'd say. It's the only quest that I truly find enjoyable... Tribunal wasn't so bad, but it had a lot of annoying parts (trailing around the sewers, and oh! Those wonderful insta-kill traps...). Bloodmoon... well, I just found it boring, really. It was ok as a once through, sorta interesting, but replay value of zero IMO.
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Morrowind normal mainquest definately, I HATED the maze of tribunals sewers. And as switch said Bloodmoon gets really boreing after the first time. The Normal mainquest was exiting all the way through (exempting the fourth and fifth trials, too much travel, not enough reward, the way i see it they can all duke it out themselves) and there are so many different ways you can approach the normal quest. I just love it! :bleh:
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I agree with the last two posters with one minor exception. Bloodmoon is worth playing twice because the EEC quests supporting Falco and Carnius are very different and you can end as a werewolf or not, again different. It would not be easy to get excited by a third time though. Tribunal has no alternatives and so IMO is even less re-playable. I am still amazed at how much I discover in Morrowind each time I play it.
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id hae to say morrowind because thats the only one ive played and i havent even finished that (i just joined the 1 cult). i do like it better than all the guild quests though cuz the main 1 seems more about running through dungens killing stuff :bleh:
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think im gonna vote fro Bloodmoon. Tribunal was good, but normal Main Quest were quiet boring for me, well most of it. its usually coz you have to travel to like 20 citys or something , and the monsters aren't so good challenge. i was very dissapointed of dagoth ur, beated him like nothing when he were mortal. though it might have many ways of completing, i still find it pretty boring. bloodmoon is the coolest of em all, alot more challenge in it. there were some pretty creepy monster, like the Grahls, and the werewolves were kewl. it was pretty fun the last place your are at, in the main quest. Hiricine looks kewl with that helmet, and the Halberd or spear he carried. and its cool you can complete it as a werewolf. well thats about it i can say for now. B)
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