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Is there any Arab/North-African-themed clothing available?


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Hi. I've recently been modding my Oblivion install quite a bit, to create some more variety in clothing and so on (getting a bit tired of seeing the same clothes over and over again...) - it is mostly for my own use, at least at the moment... I was wondering though, as in Skyrim and the upcoming TES Online, Bethesda have changed the Redguards from being kinda Caribbean inspired (dreads, pirates, stuff) to being more Arab/North-African (kinda Bedouin like with shemaghs, scimitars, etc) , I'd like to dress up some of the Redguard characters in proper themed clothing. Is there any North African (think Moroccan/Algerian - kinda Bedouin/Tuareg style - or stuff that looks like the Redguard stuff in Skyrim) available anywhere for Oblivion?

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Well, kinda...

Why does almost all the female clothing Mods have to be so skimpy, almost slutty-looking though? Sometimes one almost get the impression that virtually all modders doing outfits are 14-year old boys...

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