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Working on new interior cell, sometimes missing objects ...

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Good evening everybody!


I was just working on a little interior cell and was testing a bit to see how it would look and feel in game when I noticed this:


Everything seems OK, but when I turn a few degrees, this happens:


What the ?

The wall parts are fine, but for some weird reason the ceiling parts go transparent!


Everything (except the COC marker) in this cell is static or a SCOL, I have done nothing with RoomBounds or PreVIs.

Just a regular cell with some statics.

(Ok, the cell is about 3,5 X 2,5 "exterior cells" big, that's the only "special" thing about it ...)

For the lighting setup I used a standard lighting template (or imagespace or whatever that is called ..)


What could cause this and how can I fix it?



I thought while I wait for answers regarding some other aspects of this mod I'd just work on some simple "nothing can go wrong" - interior cells, but NOOO!

Somehow I think that the CK doesn't want me to get anything done on this project!


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I think I had a similar issue when working on a massive interior cell. At some point, when I had added too many objects some textures just stopped working and kind of went transparent as well. If I remember correctly, adding roombounds solved that issue for me.


I'm not sure it's the same issue since, from your screenshots it seems you haven't added a lot of decoration/junk yet ... but it might be worth testing adding a simple roombound around that area and see if the problem persists.

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  On 12/27/2020 at 1:08 AM, Undernier said:

I think I had a similar issue when working on a massive interior cell. At some point, when I had added too many objects some textures just stopped working and kind of went transparent as well. If I remember correctly, adding roombounds solved that issue for me.


I'm not sure it's the same issue since, from your screenshots it seems you haven't added a lot of decoration/junk yet ... but it might be worth testing adding a simple roombound around that area and see if the problem persists.

Hahahaha .... funny ....

The cell is about 3,5 by 2,5 "exterior cells" and has about 10 levels.

So, lots of "just architecture".


(Eventually I will do every floor as a seperate cell, but this is just to "test" and to get a rough idea of how to layout the stairwells, elevators, corridors, ...)

I have every "floor" on a seperate layer, so I can quickly view & edit things ...


Ok, I will try to setup a roombound thing for each "floor".

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By the way, Roombounds in Fallout 4 has this problem :



It's a video I made a few years ago when I was first getting into CK. What I am demonstrating here is, when the roombounds is setup for height of 256 units, getting out of a power armor in this room would make the PA in its furniture state to become invisible. :teehee: The upper floor in the video has the same ceiling height, but the roombounds is setup with a taller box. It looks like your room has a ceiling height of 256, so I thought I'd mention this issue. You could get around this problem by grouping larger chunks rather than doing every room (or by using Pre-Vis instead).

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  On 12/27/2020 at 12:18 PM, YouDoNotKnowMyName said:

Ok, I tried to just make a cell with the ground floor part of the original interior cell and IT WORKS!

So, I will definitley set up roombounds for the actual cell!


The original cell has 13587 objects, by the way ....




Yeah, that is a little much to not have room bounds (or previs) for...


For reference, one of the biggest (in terms of number of REFRs, might actually be THE biggest) interior cells in the game:



I would not even want to contemplate loading that cell up without room bounds or previs. Even Vault 88 would be pretty painful without those optimizations, and that cell only has just over 8,200 placed objects (including NPCs and other non-REFR things).

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It doesn't take any longer to load then any other cell ...

(I have the game on a HDD, not an SSD and it still loads in a few seconds ...)


And the PA thing doesn't bother me, I never use it!

(Can't I just make the roombound "box" a bit higher to avoid this issue?)

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  On 12/27/2020 at 10:36 PM, YouDoNotKnowMyName said:

It doesn't take any longer to load then any other cell ...

(I have the game on a HDD, not an SSD and it still loads in a few seconds ...)


And the PA thing doesn't bother me, I never use it!

(Can't I just make the roombound "box" a bit higher to avoid this issue?)


Yeah, I'm not big on power armor, either. And that's the reason why it took me a while to find this issue. Personally I think it is a good habit to test things you don't normally do, because everybody plays the game differently.


Just by making the box taller, you can fix this issue. I wanted to mention this issue because when it happened I had to spend some time looking for the cause.


About the loading time, how long it takes may have more to do with the DDS textures being decoded. I was looking at activity monitor on my PC the other day, and the load screens lasted far longer than the actual activity on drive when running Fallout 4. I've read that Fallout 4 decodes textures with frame rate limiter on GPU, and this is supposed to be the reason why loading time is so long (there's a mod that unlocks this to make the loading time quicker). Your cell isn't filled yet, and have only a few material files, but this may change when you have more texture sets being loaded.

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