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Console Command Issues


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Let me first say, I have Windows 7 on my pc, and I know that the problems I am having are not at all related to my resolution in game, and no, I am not nor ever have I used a 360 controller, or anything besides a keyboard and mouse on my pc.


When I press the ( `) key, it does not open the console, nothing happens and if I try to type anything out, it affects my game as always, moving around or activating player actions.


I have been searching and searching for a solution to this problem, and absolutely nothing has worked. I'm sick of reading about problems with vista, screen resolution, 360 controllers and ini files. Any NEW solutions to this problem would be much appreciated.

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Your Skyrim ini should have the following

  • 'Skyrim.ini' and set the value to 1 on 'bAllowConsole'. The Skyrim.ini file in My Games folder -> My Documents -> My Games.
  • In order to open the console, you need to use the 'tilde' or ~ key. You can find it by seeing a flashing prompt at the bottom of the screen.

Though I haven't heard of this not being enabled from the start I guess its possible.

So go find your Skyrim ini and make sure that line is there and there is a 1 after it. Please save your ini as a copy BEFORE you make any changes in case you make a mistake


I am sorry I thought this was skyrim lol

let me get the right stuff though it should be the same type thing

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OK you should still go and find your Fallout ini, which should stiill be in the user-documents-my games-fallout folder

check for the

BAllowConsole=0 and change it to BAllowConsole=1


this should enable your console.


Sorry for the skyrim..its late


it should be noted that the console is off screen and cant be seen in fallout 3

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And I know this may seem a dumb question but you have an american keyboard?


and are you using a controller, like an xbox joystick or something

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<p>Haha, yes I do.  I have an american keyboard, and have used the same one for skyrim where the console button works just fine.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>No, like I said, I have never ever used a controller or anything besides this keyboard/mouse.</p>

Edited by jessibears
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Hmmm....the only things I have heard is if you have a controller or a mouse that is plugged into a usb port will sometimes cause it not to work. If I can't find something someone else will be about to help too!! I will keep looking thought

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