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nord fan club

no name white boy

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For Jenyln and her insatiable sense of humor: All hail the Nerd!

The Nord (nerd) shall inherit the earth! (I think this came from "Revenge Of The Nords")


For the rest of the Nord Fanclub: *signs member book*


Anyway, I don't think that Nords are GOOD mages... but i played my nord as an combat archer\mage. Magic and marksman with mild weapon skills for up close. Magic was saved for support. So i figured, Nord's are stupid, they need more magicka to make a good mage. So i chose the atronoch (sp?... i've been playing for over a year, and i still can't spell that...) birthsign. I found out that a nord with:


50% spell absorbtion

100% Resist Frost

50% Resist Shock

and a magicka bonus... (dullsville... with unlimited magicka regeneration through threads (Magical trinkets of tamriel vIII) i didn't NEED the extra magicka, but it was useful...)


MY nord could kick some fricking MAGE A**!!!!!!!!!!!! If you will notice, the Nord is in and of itself, unbalanced, as the MOST common spell i see (and get hurt by, now that im playing a beast-race: Tartarian...) is FROST. now are nords immune to frost? HECK YEAH! If they get hit by another spell, are they gonna get hurt? NOT MUCH!!!!! They either halve the damage (shock) or nullify ALL damage/effects. (spell absorb.)

So i discovered that the Atronoch is a good sign for fighters! Especially weak ones who have to fight a bunch of mages! This is even more unbalanced in Tribunal, as the entire dark brotherhood has a fondness for frost spells. I saw 4-5 flying at me at once when i stopped the attacks, and i dread going back with a creature who has no resist frost. (or, like the tartatian, has 100% WEAKNESS to frost....) Face it people, Nord's rule, at EVERYTHING they do. They do WONDERS with a dwemer crossbow... (I can testify to this. Killed a fabricant without taking a lick of damage.)


Plus, my first game winner was a female nord!!!!!

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