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It is a matter of time


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Hi there. I have started a project of mine to create a quest mod that will be both enjoyable to create and to experience. I have a strong idea of the features, plot and delivery. Furthermore I am confident that I can do it.


Saying that, there is one major element to what makes this mod different - time.

I want to create a dream world/realm of oblivion that when trapped in it, the overworld time stops. For example: if you enter the dreamworld on the 18th of First Seed, spend a week there, it will still be the the 18th of First Seed when you leave. Almost as if you were never gone.


Furthermore, for "realism", I would like for the PC to not experience time. No progression in vampirism, no regaining of powers. Not overly concerned with this, but it would be nice to make it work.


Thank you for your time and future input

- CORaven.

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