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Dragonborn Frea won't follow.


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I've search the forum and unable to search the solution for my problem.
Frea won't join me as a follower.
Right after the first persuasion dialog, and after she said "Seek me out in the village" and when I tried talking to her for the second time, there was no option of her to follow me D:
There's only "Where is your mother" and "For a shaman, you fight pretty well. Who trained you" available after I speak with her for the 2nd time.
I've tried :
- reloading an old save file, before reading the black book
- used unrelenting force to her
- drink / hit her until she's on her knees
Am I supposed to do something? But she did said she won't mind leaving the villagers alone for while *flips table*


Managed to fix it by asking all my followers to leave 1st (Using UFO Mod) before asking her again. Sad she automatically leaves after her father dies :(
Edited by nichocolate
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Same bug happening to me.... there is no follow me i need your help dialogue in her conversation menu.... i have already used the first option of persuading her beacause ... but afterwards she told me to seek her in the village.... but whenever i talk to her .... ther is no follow me option.... hope someone can solve this ... because i want to recruit her as a blade member for dragon hunt. :(
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