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DLCs and Mods not working


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In NMM the DLCs and mods are installed with green ticks and they are ticked in the skyrim mod manager but are not showing up in game.

The DLCs and mods used to work until the last Steam update which was before I bought DragonBorn.


Any ideas

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If all other suggestions fail...you need to remove and reinstall the DLC and mods. It looks like something has possibly corrupted your data folder(s) but with the contents of the game itself not affected.


Yes, I know its a right PITA but a complete reinstall (including th game itself) will cure a lot of little things as well. Follow Gophers videos on UTUBE to get a great base install (with SKSE, NMM, TESVEdit, And MCM), and add all extra mods to that base.


Time spent doing it right from the get go will save an awful lot of hairl-pulling and screaming frustrationlater...ask me how I know...]


[Edit] I notice that you mention BOTH NMM and the Skrim Mod Manager...you can only use one OR other, not Both with Skyrim. I would stick with Nexus Mod Manager for the present. Uninstall the Syrim MM and use NMM to uninstall and reistall the Mods etc ( BEFORE going to the trouble of a Reinstall of all). If that option fails to work, then a full reinstall may be your answer.

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Early this morning I uninstalled the entire game and started from fresh and only installed :-





unofficial skyrim patch.esp

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp

unofficial dragonborn patch.esp



and still the DLCs don't work I have also tried taking out the Unofficial Patches out and just keep the DLCs but still nothing works


I have also checked the SkyrimPrefs.ini files in the main folder and the MyGames/Skyrim folder but still nothing works


I did notice that when I verify the local files in Steam every time it says there is 1 file missing but it says it will be reaquired

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Also now Skyui has got $ infront of all the menu buttons and the MCM configuration menu is missing.



WTF is going on with the updates repairing a few bits of Skyrim and breaking others!!!!!!

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For the $ sign:
Validate your game files in Steam. In the future, don't delete or overwrite Data/Interface/Translate_ENGLISH.txt
Also seems that downloading a new patch can fix the $ sign.

Never tried MCM, so not sure about that one.

Can you access the data files ?
You will not able to use most mods when you can't choose the Data Files in the launcher.

Go to Documents>My Games>Skyrim and look for
'bEnableFileSelection=1" under the [Launcher] in the 'SkyrimPrefs'.

Edited by whateveroo
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Thanks Whateroo for the advice but its still not working


I verified the game on Steam (spit!) and every time its says that there is one file not verified but will be aquired. I also checked the SkyrimPrefs.ini in both the skyrim folder and the mygames folder and both have got bEnableFileSelection=1.


the mods are not greyed out in the skyrim data files loader and are ticked but nothing shows up in the game and all my disks are originals

I even tried without any of the mods with just installing the 4 disks. the DLCs are not even showing up in the main menu screen like they used to before 1.9 update




MCM is part of skyui or was

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