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I was thinking of playing through Skyrim again on a new toon. Through Skyrim vanilla, Dawnguard and DragonBorn and all that lies between. But my last play through was awhile ago now. I Played a two-handed Nord. Pretty easy play through a few companions to help out too.



But in my next play through I want to go my World Of Warcraft route and go Warlock/mage/thing. Conjuration seems pretty cool. but any good to spec in to play through the whole game? put a few perks in one handed and light armor for that added hit when mana is flashing.


I do have one issue I think it its a mod but I could be wrong this is why I am asking. My Summons seem to die after one hit.....this I am guessing is a mod gone wrong. I need to kill all my magic changing mods and re download, should fix it.


Also has anyone gotten to 100 Conjuration without bugs or cheats? worth slugging it out for it?


I can imagine low end game could be hard with low mana and low rank in conjuration! not many things to summon. I guess I could join the college get some exp from there, hang around with the conjuration guy who works there.



Let me know if any of you guys have had a play through with just conjuration!

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Let me know if any of you guys have had a play through with just conjuration!


I've never done a playthrough with just one skill. I am doing a pure mage right now, I mainly specialised in conjuration. I use skyRe which imo makes it way more interesting and also harder at the same time.


As for vanilla, roll with bound bow and atronachs and you should be fine. Once you get Daedra lord its overkill.

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I think the best advice you might get should come from a thread in the Skyrim Spoilers forum...


I've played a couple Conjurers, but still used most of the other magic skills as well. The problem was early levels; what you can summon is not a real big help. So, I used a lot of Destruction to get by. Depends on how you level, I guess. Didn't use any warrior perks, but did use alchemy a lot.


I played vanilla Skyrim until just recently and my Conjurers are, undoubtedly, the most powerful characters I've created so far. I can't remember any specific issues following that track, except that a "pure" Conjurer has limited ranged fighting ability for awhile. And you need to plan you fighting style out; resurrect or conjure? Distraction or Tank? If what you can conjure won't cut it, you need a Plan B.


Thralls are great, though. Which does remind me of one issue; they can be lost, which usually happens when you least suspect it. Keep an eye on them. They will also "irritate" your companion, usually with AOE spells or staffs. I used to laugh when the fight was over and Lydia was still trying to save Skyrim for the Nords against a thrall with bad aim.That little "glitch" did let me tweak the weapons I gave everyone to help build a "unified" team. For the most part.


Conjuration is very powerful (I play on max difficulty) because your summons aren't nerfed; they are equal to the bad guys. Go for it, but just be careful early on. Once you get a ranged atronach friend, it gets really fun. Thralls are just a blast. Ohhhhh...hhhhhh...hhhhhh. :ohmy:

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As for vanilla, roll with bound bow and atronachs and you should be fine. Once you get Daedra lord its overkill.

^This. My conjurer went with Bound Sword, Bound Bow and the best summon available at each level in the left hand. It worked fine and I did not need any cheats or tricks to get 100 in Conjuration. I did spend some perks in One Handed and Archery, but I had enough points to spare to get the essentials there.

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Daedra Lord is the best summon, atronachs and undead are weak in comparison. It also barely scales with any perks; you just need Twin Souls and gg. Bound weapons are useless btw.


In vanilla they are not hugely powerful but they are useful for raising your conjuration level.


Ash guardian is a hell of a useful spell since it doesn't seem to count towards the regular limit. Its tanked two dragon priests for me by itself while my storm atros helped me kill other random draugr. I play master in SkyRe so that might be a bug.

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Never really tried to play as a conjurer but you never know sounds intresting.


Been using this as my summon for a while:

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Dremora Lords are pure cool. They look cool, they have cool smack-talk, and they get 2H kill animations including decapitation.


Storm Atronachs are available right at the start if you know how to get them and they're very useful against all things because almost nothing is resistant to shock.


Ranged vs. melee alternates; familiar melee, fire ranged, frost melee, shock ranged(+melee), Dremora Lord melee. The shock dude has some stuff he does up close that makes him pretty good in melee, so I'd choose him over frost unless I really wanted to block a hallway.


That's one of two huge secret benefits of Conjuration: blocking and range.


Summoning at range is like launching a guided missile. Runes are crap compared to atronachs: runes just sit there while atronachs seek and destroy. And with just one perk in the "summon at range" you can do really neat stuff like summon an atronach onto a catwalk over your head and watch the fireworks in safety.


Blocking is the other huge benefit. Why risk your own neck in combat when you can just stand behind a giant block of ice? You can use atronachs, well the big ones like frost and shock, to block hallways. Just sit there recharging your magicka and when your atronach burns out conjure a new one and keep blocking the hall.


Ambush detection: Conjure an atronach into the next room. If you hear fighting, well, better it than you, right?


Trap-springing: Conjure an atronach as far away from you as you can, then back up. As it walks toward you, it sets off traps including runes. Better it than you ... I'm sensing a pattern here.


Rock-climbing: get into the rocks above an enemy camp. Summon an atronach as far down as you can. Profit!


Pure mages like conjuration, but stealth characters LOVE conjuration. A good conjured creature might use up all your magicka, but you don't really care since you don't use it in combat anyway. Also arrows just work better in this situation. It's way easier to fire an arrow under the armpit of a frost atronach than a firebolt.


Lastly the "banish daedra" and "control daedra" spells wielded by Master Conjurer enemies are a serious problem if you're over-reliant on conjuration, but if you're a stealth conjurer just poison the enemy Conjurer and problem solved. Stealth characters are weakest in cramped quarters against poison-immune enemies, but Conjuration is at its strongest in those places. (No Draugr can turn Conjurations as far as I'm aware.)


I hope I've given you some ideas.

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